[mapserver-users] PDF Output: How?

Eliot Cline eliotcline at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 14 18:20:51 PST 2002


I have been lurking on this list for a couple of years. Never had to post 
because I never had a question that wasn't asked and answered on the list. 
Now however I really need help.

I downloaded and compiled mapserver 3.5 and managed to get pdf support 
compiled in as well. But I don't have a clue how to utilize the pdf 

Basically I just want to have a print to pdf button on my application much 
like the landview site. Could someone point me to some examples of how to do 
this, or give me some clues and I can go from there?

I see the landview site is done with perl. Can the pdf functions be called 
from php/mapscript as well?

Thanks in advance,

Eliot Cline

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