[mapserver-users] PDF Output: How?

Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au Antti.Roppola at brs.gov.au
Thu Feb 14 22:27:38 EST 2002

Concidentally, Rasmus was here this week and talked about this. :o)

Have a look at slide 51 onward at http://conf.php.net/oz2002/
(BTW, I couldn't get the slide browser to work under IE, only  Netscape).

Slide 57 has an example of placing an image into a PDF.
Putting Mapserver stuff into a PDF this way looks to be easy (it's on my
list of things to try). Keeping vector map layers as vectors using
SVG or something would be cooler still.

The Shockwave stuff is even more interesting, animated maps anyone?



Eliot wrote:

> Basically I just want to have a print to pdf button on my application much 
> like the landview site. Could someone point me to some examples of how to do 
> this, or give me some clues and I can go from there?

> I see the landview site is done with perl. Can the pdf functions be called 
> from php/mapscript as well?

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