[mapserver-users] Mysql support for mapserver

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Tue Feb 26 07:24:31 PST 2002

> Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don;t believe 
> there is any
> support within Mapserver to directly employ mySQL. If I understand the
> documentation, postgres and oracle are supported, but not mysql. This
> is, I gather, due to the fact that these two databases somehow support
> shape or image data columns.

you are correct.

> on a linked page to the following: http://postgis.refractions.net/
> It looks as if these folks are in the know. I am going to explore this
> myself, and see if I can't make the switch from mysql to postgres.

postgis && oracle :: sde

mysql has nothing to do with storing geographic data. mysql is simply a
popular choice of database for non-spatial attribute data.


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