[mapserver-users] mapserver/php scripts

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Sat Jan 5 08:14:25 PST 2002

To all those who successfully got the files, I hope they help you.

On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 05:19 AM, Tim Sutton wrote:

> Hi Puneet
> Just a note to say thanks for contributing this stuff.....I received
> the .png, but am still waiting for my .zip to arrive. I will hopefully
> contribute some php samples in the near future too.
> Regards
> Tim

Tim, I am not sure why you didn't get it because there is a message in 
my sent folder to you and no error messages. Maybe you got it after you 
sent me the above message. I and you all are dealing with Outlook and 
Xch Server on my end, so be gentle in your patience... with these two 
programs handling my email needs, as it is my hands are full of crap.

On Saturday, January 5, 2002, at 02:46 AM, David Armstrong wrote:

just one small point that may help others Puneet
could you also attach a small mysql database to match this would aid 
setting up tables and values etc

i will see if i can construct a complete working demo from your code
hopfully people will then only need to extract and run a working app !

Good work i applaud you ! , shout if i can help etc
anything you have please send it over


Herein lies the rub. As you might be aware, I made this project on RH, 
MS3.4, Apache, and PHP. When that box was moved back to the client site, 
I had to move the app somewhere else. Well, I have a working MS3.5 on my 
Windoze box but I quickly discovered the nasty web of MS dependencies... 
PHP dll wouldn't run on my Windoze box because I had Apache 
multi-threaded. Now there is one thing I don't do with a working Windoze 
box -- I don't mess with it, I just leave it alone. So, I wasn't going 
to recompile Apache or install IIS or any such thing. So, I decided I 
would rewrite the whole thing in Perl because I have ActiveState Perl on 
my Windoze box (and I also have MySQL on Windoze). Well, then I learned 
that Perl Mapscript has had a high failure rate (if any success at all) 
on Windoze. That's where I ran into the stonewall of frustration.

Anyway, I will act on your suggestion and see if I can cobble together a 
small snapshot of the MySQL database and some shape files. I will also 
include the map file. And the flowchart (believe you me... that 
flowchart was the most invaluable aid to me in laying out my app).

To SDL, Jamie,

Is it possible to put things on the umn server for folks to download. I 
mean, I don't mind the email method at all, but staging the files 
somewhere central would definitely be the more elegant thing to do. Is 
there (could there be) a pub portion of the server where Mapserver list 
members would be able to ftp stuff onto...

Thanks much,

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