[mapserver-users] Compiling Mapserver 3.6 for Linux (SuSE8.0)

David Turover dturover at student.santarosa.edu
Wed Jun 26 07:58:09 PDT 2002

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Peter Haussl wrote:

> I try to compile mapserver for Linux (Distribution: SuSE 8.0) to run with 
> Proj 4.4.5
> GD 1.8.3 (including GIF Support)
> LibPNG 1.2.3
> while doing the make i've got the following errormessages
> make: yacc: Command not found
> make: *** [mapserver.c] Error 127

Sounds like you're missing the "yacc" program, or its location is not in 
your $PATH environment variable. yacc is one of the development tools 
used to build mapserver. If you can't find it on your system, try this:


Good luck!

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