[mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Dan Barron
dbarron at ddive.com
Fri Mar 1 14:58:43 PST 2002
>At 05:33 PM 3/1/2002 -0500, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>The LAYER must have TEMPLATE defined or it will NOT be queried so make
>sure you have that set.
Thanks for the reply Steve. Query still does not find any points. I have
modified my map file per your suggestion, see below. Is there some special
way I need to create the layer? Or does the template need to call out
anything specific or could is just print "Hello world" if you wanted? I
have also included my php code that queries the database and builds the layer.
<< map file snip >>
NAME 'point-test'
name 'point-test'
SYMBOL 'c:\bin\mapserver\mapservertest\graphics\novice-icon.png'
# template 'point-test-template.html'
template "point-test-template.html"
tolerance 10
<< php file snip >>
// Connect to mySQL database, print a successful or unsuccessful message, then
// select the database to use.
$link = mysql_connect($host, $user, $pwd) or die("Could not connect");
print "Connected to mysql successfully<br>";
mysql_select_db($dbase) or die("Could not select database");
// Set query strings, then perform query
$query_select = "SELECT * FROM ".$table;
$query_where[0] = " WHERE latitude < ".$map->extent->maxy;
$query_where[1] = " AND latitude > ".$map->extent->miny;
$query_where[2] = " AND longitude < ".$map->extent->maxx;
$query_where[3] = " AND longitude > ".$map->extent->minx;
$result =
or die("Query failed");
// Loop through result of point query and:
// 1) create pointObj's to hold results of mySQL query
// 2) create lineObj's made of pointObj's values - use these for shapeObj's
// 3) create shape objects to hold additional fields, specifically siteid
// 4) draw the point and shape object on the map and layer
$factor = 0.5;
while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
// create point objects
$pt = ms_newPointObj();
$pt->setXY( $line["longitude"], $line["latitude"] );
// create line objects
$ln[0] = ms_newLineObj();
$ln[1] = ms_newLineObj();
$ln[2] = ms_newLineObj();
$ln[3] = ms_newLineObj();
$ln[0]->addXY( ($pt->x - $factor), ($pt->y - $factor) );
$ln[0]->addXY( ($pt->x + $factor), ($pt->y - $factor) );
$ln[1]->addXY( ($pt->x + $factor), ($pt->y - $factor) );
$ln[1]->addXY( ($pt->x + $factor), ($pt->y + $factor) );
$ln[2]->addXY( ($pt->x + $factor), ($pt->y + $factor) );
$ln[2]->addXY( ($pt->x - $factor), ($pt->y + $factor) );
$ln[3]->addXY( ($pt->x - $factor), ($pt->y + $factor) );
$ln[3]->addXY( ($pt->x - $factor), ($pt->y - $factor) );
// create shape objects
$shp = ms_newShapeObj(MS_SHAPE_POLYGON);
$shp->add( $ln[0] );
$shp->add( $ln[1] );
$shp->add( $ln[2] );
$shp->add( $ln[3] );
$shp->set('text', $line['siteid']);
// draw objects on layers
$shp->draw($map, $shape_layer, $image, 0, "SHAEP");
$pt->draw($map, $pt_layer, $image, 0, "TEST");
// Closing connection
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