March 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Mar 1 05:32:22 PST 2002
Ending: Sun Mar 31 09:21:53 PST 2002
Messages: 529
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile & Brain Damage
Kieran J. Ames
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Jessica Anderson
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Jessica Anderson
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Jessica Anderson
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Jessica Anderson
- [mapserver-users] mapfile-postgis
Alexys Herleym Rodríguez Avellaneda
- [mapserver-users] See only some features of one layer
Alexys Herleym Rodríguez Avellaneda
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] MySQL field-types to Dbase field-types
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] MapServer DBF Filename corruption ????
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] Reference Image
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] Scale
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver image creating slower then page loads
Azimuth, E. Perik
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet not drawing map
Beth Baily
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] degree X meters
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] Drawing features dynamically
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] Possible to change scalebar units via PHP/Mapscript?
Dan Barron
- [mapserver-users] Need help with OGR/DGN
T.F. van den Berg
- No subject
Dr. Silvia Berti
- [mapserver-users] Continuous Raster Data
David W Bitner
- [mapserver-users] Windows error using empty in web template
Wim Blanken
- [mapserver-users] Hacking Mappostgis.c to allow Views as Mapserver Data Source
Dave Blasby
- [mapserver-users] Problems with compilation
Janis Bokans
- [mapserver-users] dynamic point with reference map
Chuck Bokath
- [mapserver-users] dynamic point with reference map
Chuck Bokath
- [mapserver-users] request for TIF, TFW and mapfile
Jonathan Boylan
- again... [mapserver-users] mapext=shapes and projection on the fly.
Bullock, Martha F ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] FILTER on 2 or more items
Bullock, Martha F ERDC-CRREL-NH
- [mapserver-users] questions (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] Reference Image
Rodrigo Cabral
- [mapserver-users] pattern fill with symbol bug
Rodrigo Cabral
- [mapserver-users] Brazilian MapServer users
Rodrigo Cabral
- [mapserver-users] Hacking Mappostgis.c to allow Views as Mapserver Data Source
Rodrigo Cabral
- [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query issue
Rodrigo Cabral
- [mapserver-users] JOIN Does Not Appear To Work in Ver. 3.5
Tom Cadman
- [mapserver-users] php/mapscript problem...
Tullio Calosci
- [mapserver-users] php/mapscript and RedHat 7.2 (or Mandrake 8.1)
Tullio Calosci
- [mapserver-users] unsubscribe
Matt Carlson
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: php4, Apache and mapserver3.5
Scott Carr
- [mapserver-users] Reference Image
Scott Carr
- [Fwd: Re: [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...]
Scott Carr
- [mapserver-users] shpdmp under WIndows 98 does not work?
Scott Carr
- [mapserver-users] Problems with compilation
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query issue
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] oraclespatial query issue
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] how to map certain lat/long locations??
Scott D Cogan
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates to PHP
Scott D Cogan
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates to PHP
Scott D Cogan
- [mapserver-users] SYMBOL definitions in PHP Mapscript mapfile
Scott D Cogan
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates with PHP
Scott D Cogan
- [mapserver-users] SDE in 3.5 on NT
Stanley Darde
- [mapserver-users] MapServer DBF Filename corruption ????
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] MapServer DBF Filename corruption ????
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] MapServer DBF Filename corruption ????
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] compile error of mapserver 3.5
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] What does scale mean?
Doyon, Jean-Francois
- [mapserver-users] printing out documentation
Dreesmann, Michael
- AW: [mapserver-users] printing out documentation
Dreesmann, Michael
- AW: AW: [mapserver-users] printing out documentation
Dreesmann, Michael
- [mapserver-users] MapScript Java binaries
Pedro Duarte
- [mapserver-users] General question
Stephan Dunning
- [mapserver-users] getShape on a tiled layer
Nick Elliott
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
Mike Elstermann
- [mapserver-users] join - my neverending story
Mike Elstermann
- [mapserver-users] ?a red blinking point
Mike Elstermann
- [mapserver-users] Big Square, Tiny Map
Fawcett, David
- [mapserver-users] compiling Perl/Mapscript takes time
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users]: imgext, which unit?
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] MS 3.5 Trouble getting a POLYLINE shape file to display
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript newby ..
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] ms_error question
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Threads and Mapscript
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Perl or Java - Zoom and Pan
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] perl module error
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] image problems
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Zooming in to a useful itemquerie point data extent
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] creating new raster layer - perl mapscript
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: querybyattributes
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Map Viewer for use on laptop
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] How to activate mapserver logging in Perl mapscript
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Map Viewer for use on laptop
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: querybyattributes
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] HELP PNG image seems to be transparent?
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet and Mapsize
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Multiple class expressions in a layer problem
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Scale
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Scale
Thorsten Fischer
- [mapserver-users] Error in TestSuite3.5
Robert Fritz
- [mapserver-users] blank map image
Andrew Germishuys
- [mapserver-users] querybypoint in MS 3.5
Mark Giesbrecht
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Mark Giesbrecht
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: setfilter
Patricio Gigoux
- [mapserver-users] query with setfilter
Patricio Gigoux
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: querybyattributes
Patricio Gigoux
- [mapserver-users] Is PostGIS broken in latest nightly build on Win32?
Sean Gillies
- Found the Problem (Re: [mapserver-users] Is PostGIS broken in latest nightly build on Win32?)
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] Hacking Mappostgis.c to allow Views as Mapserver Data Source
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] Hacking Mappostgis.c to allow Views as Mapserver Data Source
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree(): Errors
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] Line thickness
Sathiskumar Govindasamy
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Sathiskumar Govindasamy
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Sathiskumar Govindasamy
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Sathiskumar Govindasamy
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Displaying/setting representative fraction (RF) Scale
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] An intellectual exercise
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] papers or articles
D.J. Grzicic
- [mapserver-users] PHP modules
D.J. Grzicic
- [mapserver-users] PNG Error with CGI
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] An intellectual exercise
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] RE: [Mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Off-center World Maps
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Paul Hastings
- [mapserver-users] Multiple class expressions in a layer problem
Steven Hayes
- [mapserver-users] An intellectual exercise
Steven Hayes
- [mapserver-users] Multiple CLASSITEMs
Steven Hayes
- [mapserver-users] Zooming in to a useful itemquerie point data extent
Bart van Heijningen
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: php4, Apache and mapserver3.5
Hockaday, John
- [mapserver-users] compile php/mapscript with php-4.1.2?
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] compile error of mapserver 3.5
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] binary does not work with gdal?!
Stephan Holl
- [mapserver-users] Change QueryMap parameter via URL
Düster Horst
- [mapserver-users] Compilation crashes with PDF
Düster Horst
- [mapserver-users] php/mapscript
Aaron D. Hunt
- [mapserver-users] Premature end of script headers - Error
Shaik Anwar Hussain
- [mapserver-users] General question
- [mapserver-users] Mysql support for PostGIS in version MySQL 4.1
Ashley Joyce
- [mapserver-users] Raster Images
Ashley Joyce
- [mapserver-users] Reference Image
Ashley Joyce
- [mapserver-users] arrow symbols
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet and Mapsize
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Compiling freetype
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] FILTER on 2 or more items
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] How do I draw railroads with Mapserver?
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text is displayed wrong.
Dan Keith
- [mapserver-users] How do I draw railroads with Mapserver?
Dan Keith
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.
Dan Keith
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.
Dan Keith
- [mapserver-users] python + mapscript + PIL
Vic Kelson
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Vic Kelson
- [mapserver-users] perl module error
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] perl module error
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] image problems
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] image problems
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] MapServer and ASP
Stephen D. King
- [mapserver-users] Re: compiling Perl/Mapscript takes time
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] compile php/mapscript
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] weirdest problem w/PHP
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] RE: weirdest problem w/PHP
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] RE: weirdest problem w/PHP
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web p ages
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] 24 Bit colour images
Shaun Kolomeitz
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] Change QueryMap parameter via URL
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] apache
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Layer sequence]
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates to PHP
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Binary - what shall I use: 1.34 or 1.35?
Frank Koormann
- [mapserver-users] transparent symbols (FWD)
Tomas Krecmer
- [mapserver-users] Transparency for Polygon Layer
Tomas Krecmer
- [mapserver-users] compile php4 on debian with dbase (--with-dbase -> ignored)
Christoph Kuhn
- [mapserver-users] PHP 4.0.6 with dbase for Debian
Christoph Kuhn
- [mapserver-users] Compilation problem
Negrisan Laurentiu
- [mapserver-users] Compilation problem
Negrisan Laurentiu
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] compile error of mapserver 3.5
Negrisan Laurentiu
- [mapserver-users] MapScript Java
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MapScript Java
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet and Mapsize
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] arrow symbols
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] What does scale mean?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: unwanted moving]
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Scale/Scale Bar anomaly
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: Wondering about layers.
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] dynamic point with reference map
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: report potential bugs
Steve Lime
- again... [mapserver-users] mapext=shapes and projection on the fly.
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: Help me...
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] 24 Bit colour images
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Drawing features dynamically
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] querybypoint in MS 3.5
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: php mapscript compile error
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Change QueryMap parameter via URL
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] JOIN Does Not Appear To Work in Ver. 3.5
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Perl or Java - Zoom and Pan
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MINSCALE/MAXSCALE for CLASS???
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MINSCALE/MAXSCALE for CLASS???
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: imgxy
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: setfilter
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: wmsclient
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: querybyattributes
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] creating new raster layer - perl mapscript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Problems with the Itasca demo and gifs/pngs.
Ben Logan
- [mapserver-users] Problems with the Itasca demo and gifs/pngs.
Ben Logan
- [mapserver-users] MapServer in British Columbia and Canada
Low, Brian
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
- [mapserver-users] Drawing features dynamically
- [mapserver-users] Re: your mail
- [mapserver-users]: wrong results querybypoint
- [mapserver-users] To: "Mapserver-Users (E-mail)" <mapserver-users at>
Andrew Luger
- [mapserver-users] JOIN muiltiple
- [mapserver-users] My geocoder program is ready to be looked at by others.
Greg Mader
- [mapserver-users] Windows 98 running PHP/Mapserv: gmap75.phtm l does not work.
Greg Mader
- [mapserver-users] Windows 98 running PHP/Mapserv: gmap75.phtml does not work.
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] Windows 98 running PHP/Mapscript: Please post WORKING examples
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] mysql -> php -> .dbf -> ??? -> shapefile -> mapscript -> map Need youd advice.
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] user map from mysql table: Have a look at my code. Can`t add layer with user data to map
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] user map from mysql table: Have a look at my code. Can`t add layer with user data to map
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] user map from mysql table: Have a look at my code. Can`t add layer with user data to map
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] user map from mysql table: Have a look at my code. Can`t add layer with user data to map
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table UPDATE
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table UPDATE
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] Need help: How to make drawn layer visible?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] Gave it up. Niow looking for complete working example of dynamically drawing points (and Text) in php.
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] shpdmp under WIndows 98 does not work?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] shpdmp under WIndows 98 does not work?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] php code at website, mapserver at home, how to configure Apache?
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates with PHP
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] Have a look at my website!
Jan Mantkowski
- [mapserver-users] mapplet causes error with IE5.5
Maul, Andreas-Alexander
- [mapserver-users] mapplet causes error with IE5.5
Maul, Andreas-Alexander
- [mapserver-users] Problem display digital raster graphics(drg)
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet not drawing map
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Raster Images
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] What does scale mean?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Suggestions welcome ...
BLISS Meredith
- [mapserver-users] RE: weirdest problem w/PHP
John Millard
- [mapserver-users] Displaying/setting representative fraction (RF) Scale
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] Off topic: Loading PHP Classes
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] WFS Clients
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] MapServer in British Columbia and Canada
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] not found
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] map on the fly / symbols
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] compile php/mapscript with php-4.1.2?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Compiling freetype
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] compile php4 on debian with dbase (--with-dbase -> ignored)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Compiling freetype
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] ?a red blinking point
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] php/mapscript
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Windows 98 running PHP/Mapserv: gmap75.phtml does not work.
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Mapinfo TAB files and lcc projection
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PHP modules
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MINSCALE/MAXSCALE for CLASS???
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapScript and PHP 4.1.2
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WMS and additional dimension
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: setfilter
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Premature end of script headers - Error
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Symbols in MapInfo
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] QUERY vs DRAW Question
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Is PostGIS broken in latest nightly build on Win32?
Pericles S. Nacionales
- Found the Problem (Re: [mapserver-users] Is PostGIS broken in latest nightly build on Win32?)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: Help me...
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] Link error when building MapServer on WIN NT
Nader Bandari Nejad
- [mapserver-users] Error with mspostgisopenlayer
Obe, Regina DND\MIS
- [mapserver-users] problems with raster, ecw and gdal support
Bo Overgaard
- [mapserver-users] problems with raster, ecw and gdal support
Bo Overgaard
- [mapserver-users] WMS and additional dimension
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] getDouble(): Symbol definition error. (UNITS):(7)
Jim Palma
- [mapserver-users] getDouble(): Symbol definition error. (UNITS):(7)
Jim Palma
- [mapserver-users] Big Square, Tiny Map
Jim Palma
- [mapserver-users] getDouble(): Symbol definition error.(UNITS):(7)
Jim Palma
- [mapserver-users] Big Square, Tiny Map
Jim Palma
- [mapserver-users] Drawing features dynamically
Ricardo Scachetti Pereira
- [mapserver-users] How to activate mapserver logging in Perl mapscript
Ricardo Scachetti Pereira
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] Calling another php page using rosa and passing variables
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] Drawing features dynamically
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] how to map certain lat/long locations??
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] Map Viewer for use on laptop
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] Map Viewer for use on laptop
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] php code at website, mapserver at home, how to configure Apache?
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
E Perik
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] [Suggestions] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Luca Pescatore
- [mapserver-users] unsubscribe mapserver-users
- [mapserver-users] Scale
- [mapserver-users]: imgext, which unit?
- [mapserver-users] Question concerning php-mapscript and frame(set)s and querybypoint method
- [mapserver-users]: wrong results querybypoint
- [mapserver-users] SUM: Question concerning php-mapscript and frame(set)s and querybypoint method
- [mapserver-users]: SUM wrong results querybypoint
- [mapserver-users]: PHP/mapscript: Querybypoint->How tohighlight the selected record?
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver Binary - what shall I use: 1.34 or 1.35?
- [mapserver-users] Newbie questions.
Paul Peterson
- [mapserver-users] Coldfsion CFX tag
Paul Peterson
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Chekc vs select
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Chekc vs select
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] STYLED ?
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Zoom & imgxy
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Zoom & imgxy
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: imgxy
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] RE: Reference obj & image file [solved]
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Address Query
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: imgxy
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Vu Pham
- [mapserver-users] problems with raster, ecw and gdal support
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] not found
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] not found
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] Raster Images
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] unable to load
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo problem
Pushkar Pradhan
- [mapserver-users] papers or articles
Alexander Pucher
- [mapserver-users] Please need help about use of PROJECTION into MAPSERVER
- [mapserver-users] Hacking Mappostgis.c to allow Views as Maps erver Data Source
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] creating new raster layer - perl mapscript
Kent S Ridl
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Ryan, Adam
- FW: [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Ryan, Adam
- [mapserver-users] degree X meters
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] Multiple class expressions in a layer problem
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] ANGLE AUTO labels with TRUETYPE and LINE features. The text isdisplayed wrong.
Michel M. dos Santos
- [mapserver-users] MapScript + Python + Zope
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: unwanted moving]
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] Zooming in to a useful itemquerie point data extent
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: php mapscript compile error
Vincent Schut
- [mapserver-users] gdaltindex on png with world files?
Vincent Schut
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Vincent Schut
- [mapserver-users] not unique image filenames problem
Vincent Schut
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: unwanted moving]
Jamie Smedsmo
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: Layer sequence]
Jamie Smedsmo
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: posting to mapserver?]
Jamie Smedsmo
- [mapserver-users] How to display coordinates in lat/long format on a map with UNITS=Meters?
Jamie Smedsmo
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Michael Soracco
- [mapserver-users] Railroad and dual carriage way styles
- [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 <-> Mapserver 3.5 problems
Havard Tveite
- [mapserver-users] blank template
Nicola Valdambrini
- [mapserver-users] from 3.4 to 3.5
Nicola Valdambrini
- [mapserver-users] problem solved
Nicola Valdambrini
- [mapserver-users] papers or articles
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] mapserver related papers on web
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] python + mapscript + PIL
Norman Vine
- Fwd: [mapserver-users] compile error of mapserver 3.5
Luis Viveros
- Fwd: Re: Fwd: [mapserver-users] compile error of mapserver 3.5
Luis Viveros
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript newby ..
Giorgio Volpe
- [mapserver-users] ms_error question
Giorgio Volpe
- [mapserver-users] image problems
Giorgio Volpe
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Jan-Oliver Wagner
- [mapserver-users] Continuous Raster Data
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] gdaltindex command..
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Proj 4.4.5 <-> Mapserver 3.5 problems
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Threads and Mapscript
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Calling Mapserver from a Servlet
Harald Wehr
- [mapserver-users] Perl or Java - Zoom and Pan
Harald Wehr
- [mapserver-users] Threads and Mapscript
Harald Wehr
- [mapserver-users] Threads and Mapscript
Harald Wehr
- [mapserver-users] Problem display digital raster graphics(drg)
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] Problem display digital raster graphics(drg)
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] gdaltindex command..
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] tile index example?
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] Thank you
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] tileindex
Jason Wolfe
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, then queryByPoint()
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Create Dynamic Pt Layer, thenqueryByPoint()
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Line thickness
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] MapServer DBF Filename corruption ????
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] getDouble(): Symbol definition error. (UNITS):(7)
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] getDouble(): Symbol definition error. (UNITS):(7)
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Big Square, Tiny Map
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Displaying/setting representative fraction (RF) Scale
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Reference Image
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] What does scale mean?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] compile php4 on debian with dbase (--with-dbase -> ignored)
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapfile & Brain Damage
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] tiling raster in map file
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] My geocoder program is ready to be looked at by others.
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] dynamic point with reference map
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] symbol of the streets
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] displaying raster images..
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] MS 3.5 Trouble getting a POLYLINE shape file to display
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] wiki links added to web site???
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript newby ..
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapinfo TAB files and lcc projection
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] shptreevis bug???
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] mysql -> php -> .dbf -> ??? -> shapefile -> mapscript -> map Need youd advice.
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Railroad and dual carriage way styles
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] user map from mysql table: Have a look at my code. Can`t add layer with user data to map
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] extent question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] drawing layer with user names from mysql table UPDATE
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] getString(): Symbol definition error. (6):(93)
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] MINSCALE/MAXSCALE for CLASS???
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Threads and Mapscript
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: php mapscript compile error
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] STYLED ?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Zoom & imgxy
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Nationalatlas Shapefile Projection
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Reference obj & image file
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Address Query
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Question concerning php-mapscript and frame(set)s and querybypoint method
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] SYMBOL definitions in PHP Mapscript mapfile
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] QUERY vs DRAW Question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HELP PNG image seems to be transparent?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] QUERY vs DRAW Question
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] HELP PNG image seems to be transparent?
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] returning mouse click coordinates with PHP
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree(): Errors
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree(): Errors
Stephen Woodbridge
- [mapserver-users] Mapinfo TAB files and lcc projection
Ari Yakar
- [mapserver-users] Multiple CLASSITEMs
Ari Yakar
- [mapserver-users] Multiple CLASSITEMs
Ari Yakar
- [mapserver-users] Symbols in MapInfo
Ari Yakar
- [mapserver-users] MapScript and PHP 4.1.2
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] MapScript and PHP 4.1.2
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] Possible to change scalebar units via PHP/Mapscript?
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] Any examples of coordinate conversion web pages
Assefa Yewondwossen
- [mapserver-users] Need help with OGR/DGN
Sara Yurman
- [mapserver-users] Railroad and dual carriage way styles
Sara Yurman
- [mapserver-users] Need help with OGR/DGN
Sara Yurman
- [mapserver-users] Re: compiling Perl/Mapscript takes time
Larry Zimmerman
- [mapserver-users] Compilation crashes with PDF
Larry Zimmerman
- [mapserver-users] tiling raster in map file
- [mapserver-users] apache
- [mapserver-users] apache
- [mapserver-users] PHP Vs. Cold Fusion...
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] ?a red blinking point
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] PHP 4.0.6 with dbase for Debian
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] ArcInfo TIFF byte order
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] Summary: ArcInfo TIFF byte order
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] What does scale mean?
imap at
- [mapserver-users] Scale/Scale Bar anomaly
imap at
- [mapserver-users] Patent Challenge
imap at
- [mapserver-users] msSearchDiskTree(): Errors
imap at
- [mapserver-users] a trouble with filter
bertha amalia serrato de la cruz
- No subject
Gumli deMoria
- [mapserver-users] map on the fly / symbols
jef.mony at
- [mapserver-users] Transparency for Polygon Layer
- [mapserver-users] Line thickness
- [mapserver-users] Error with mspostgisopenlayer
- Fw: [mapserver-users] Error with mspostgisopenlayer
- [mapserver-users] Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 09:09:19 +0100
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and gdal
- [mapserver-users] from 3.4 to 3.5
- [mapserver-users] Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 11:52:08 +0700
- [mapserver-users] Unknown identifier-problems with join
- [mapserver-users] problem with join
- [mapserver-users] unsubscribe
- [mapserver-users] Sorta Off Topic - Putting PHP code in a CGI script?
nate parsons
- [mapserver-users] Check Max Layer Supported
info at
- [mapserver-users] MapScript Java
DebasishS at
- [mapserver-users] MapScript file is blank
DebasishS at
- [mapserver-users] Urgent : Precompile mapscript dll of mapsever ver 3.5
DebasishS at
- [mapserver-users] Compiling freetype
klehr1 at
- Fw: [mapserver-users] Compiling freetype
klehr1 at
- [mapserver-users] Compiling TrueType -- A solutions :-)
klehr1 at
- [mapserver-users] MS 3.5 Trouble getting a POLYLINE shape file to display
klehr1 at
- [mapserver-users] transparent symbols (FWD)
- [mapserver-users] Symbols in MapInfo
Agnieszka Żak
- [mapserver-users] Symbols in MapInfo
Agnieszka Żak
Last message date:
Sun Mar 31 09:21:53 PST 2002
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:08 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).