[mapserver-users] image problems

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Fri Mar 22 11:24:19 PST 2002

From: "Lowell Filak" <lfilak at medinaco.org>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2002 7:07 AM

> This may be my fault.
> Your .gif image is actually a png and your .png image is actually a jpeg
with a quality factor of 0!
> If you bring your image up in Imagemagick "display europe.gif" and select
'image info' you will see what I mean.
> I may have the documentation wrong as to which file-type is which number
in the docs. For now use $mapscript::MS_PNG & $mapscript::MS_JPEG instead of
the numbers. I will try to track down what happened and correct the docs
asap. The is an update of the docs due to be posted soon anyways (sent in
> Lowell F.

Thanks Lowell, you were right about the images and documentation.  I thought
I was being so careful to feed the correct numbers to msSaveImage ;-) ...I
should have checked the images in an graphics program.  Anyway, MS_JPEG and
MS_PNG are working great, but Giorgio is right that "In reality gif is 0,
png=1 , jpeg=2."

Thanks again.


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