[mapserver-users] problem with join

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Sun Mar 10 09:28:44 PST 2002

Frank Koormann wrote:
> A current snapshot from the CVS shows an entirely reworked system for
> query and template processing (what I appreciate) but in
> maptemplate.c, processLine():
>     // FIX: need to re-incorporate JOINS at some point
> still remains.
> Seems as if joins are not reimplemented with the ongoing redesign of
> mapserv.c
> Maybe one of the developers can say more on this topic. However, it
> doesn't seem to be an demanding feature, maybe it should be taken from
> the docu?


The template stuff has been moved out of mapserv.c and turned into
functions in maptemplate.c in order to allow the use of templates in the
WMS server and from MapScript.  The way things are processed hasn't
really changed, it's just the same code that has been turned into
library functions.  So the problems that existed before with joins are
still there.  I'll let Steve reply about the status of joins in
MapServer, but I believe this question was raised again not long ago so
it might be a good idea to search the list archives about this.

For the record, here are the recent changes that were made to templates
in the 3.6-dev version:

- In WMS Server mode, GetFeatureInfo now handles query templates
  properly (see the WMS Server HOWTO)

- New mapObj methods to process templates have been added to MapScript
  a few days ago (see mapserver/mapscript/php3/README in the source)
  The same functions should be available via SWIG (Perl) soon as well.

- A new HTML legend (using templates) has been added to the mapserv CGI
  (see docs at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc/html-legend-howto.html
   and examples (click 'HTML Legend 3' for a good one) at 
   http://www2.dmsolutions.ca/msapps/itasca_legend/demo_init.html )

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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