[mapserver-users] Mapplet and Mapsize

Brian Fischer bfischer at mpls.houstoneng.com
Wed Mar 6 15:42:11 EST 2002

I am trying to add a drop down menu to automatically change the size of
the map.  I am using Steve Lime's mapplet and MapServ 3.5.  I can not
seem to get the width and height changed in the applet using JavaScript.
Is this possible or do I have the syntax wrong?
function changemapsize() {
  document.mapplet.width.value = "400" ;
  document.mapplet.height.value = "300" ;
<applet codebase="/tools/mapserv35/java/mapplet" code="mapplet.class"
name="mapplet" width="500" height="400" MAYSCRIPT >
             <param name="image"
             <param name="jitter" value="10">
             <param name="thickness" value="2">
             <param name="color" value="255,0,0"> 
             <param name="name" value="mapplet">
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