[mapserver-users] from 3.4 to 3.5

Nicola Valdambrini valdambrini at pisa.intecs.it
Tue Mar 19 01:03:56 PST 2002

 until now I was using version 3.4 of MapServer. I've just installed version 3.5 but I'm getting some problems.

- Could someone tell me where I can found documentation about moving from 3.4 to 3.5?

- The error I'm getting is the following:
getSymbol(): Symbol definition error. (color):(55) 
I think it refers to line 55 of the .map file (but why?). This is a chunk of it:

    backgroundcolor 0 0 128
    color 255 255 255
    imagecolor 0 0 128
    intervals 5
    outlinecolor 0 0 255
    size 280 5
    status ON
    units meters
    # 1 label
      antialias                       <--------------------- this is line n. 55
      color 255 255 255
      position auto
      size small
      type bitmap

Note that these things worked with version 3.4.


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