[mapserver-users] HOWTO Split Large SHP Files

Luca Pescatore info at pescatoreluca.com
Fri Mar 15 07:46:07 PST 2002

>I don't think there is a general tool to do that, but if you know C it
>is pretty easy to use shplib to write utility to read the shape file and
>dump specific records to different files. You can also do this using
>Perl and the XBase and shplib addins.
Argh! my perl Knowledge is very bad! I can try to do something in PHP, but 
i don't know
very well PHP Class for MapServer, and i don't know how to split lines (my 
shapefile uses) in
small pieces. If someone may help me i can do that and put this piece of 
code to GPL.

>Why do you want to split the file?

You can test at this address : (in few week will be 
protected by login/pwd)

At maximum zoom get a lot of time for displaying roads.

My Machine is :
AMD Athlon 1 Ghz
512 Mb RAM
100 Gb IDE

At this moment i have tried to get some info for testing performances, nxt 
Week i
will upgrade to 1 Gb of RAM, after i will re-test with same values for 
undestanding how many
%s may i increase performances with the same machine.

Every country have a set of files for displaying data, Roads are like 300 
Mb for every set of file.

All Shapes get like 40 Gb of space.

>performance? have you tried building a shptree index?
Yes, it works also with a single file ? My Roads file (e.g. for northern 
italy is 400 Mb), with
shptree may i get better performances ?

Best Regards,

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