[mapserver-users] python + mapscript + PIL

Norman Vine nhv at cape.com
Sun Mar 3 14:54:37 EST 2002

Vic Kelson writes:
>I have it all working now, python 2.1 with mapscript and it's great. 
>Now, I have a question.  I can make an image using:
>   import mapscript
>   m = mapscript.mapObj('...')
>   p = m.draw()
>and I get a gdImagePtr in p.  I made this work:
>   mapscript.msSaveImage(p,'myfile.png',MS_PNG,0,0,0)
>and I can make a PNG file on disk.  Neato.  Then I load the image from
>disk with PIL and I can tweak it.  Question: Is there a direct way to
>make a PIL image from the gdImagePtr returned by mapObj.draw()?  It
>would make my application a LOT easier...

You need to read this



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