[mapserver-users] Problems with the Itasca demo and gifs/pngs.

Ben Logan ben at wblogan.net
Sun Mar 31 09:17:53 PST 2002

> I don't see that exact error message in the demo_readme
> troubleshooting section, but my version of GD doesn't support GIFs, so
> I thought that might be the problem anyway.  So I converted all the
> GIFs in the "symbols" and "graphics" directories to PNGs, and changed
> all '.gif' extensions in "demo.map" to '.png'.  Now the server will
> initialize, but I don't get any images.  The images don't appear as
> broken, they just don't show up.  I had similar problems once with a
> web script I was writing when I didn't send the correct image headers.

Sorry, the images _are_ broken.  The URIs for the images are
'/tmp/somerandomnumber.png' but there are no files under the server's
/tmp directory (which maps to /var/www/html/tmp on the filesystem).
Just wanted to clear that up.


Ben Logan: ben at wblogan dot net
OpenPGP Key KeyID: A1ADD1F0

Would you *______really* want to get on a non-stop flight?
		-- George Carlin

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