[mapserver-users] Re: Java Mapscript

Sathiskumar Govindasamy gsathis at hashprompt.com
Mon May 6 13:42:57 PDT 2002


I did an rpm install of tomcat4 and it did put a 
/etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf. If you have done other type of 
installation, it might be somewhere else. Actaully that is the file 
where you configure the JAVA_HOME variable.

server.xml is more of context setting and web.xlm is more of webapp 
settings. tomcat4.conf takes care more of enviroment under which tomcat 
is started.

As far as I understood, libmapscript.so and one another .so file is all 
it matters if you want to use java mapscript. It has everything needed 
within itself. I don't thing, where the mapserver is at, matters. You 
just send the path where libmapscript.so is to tomcat.

Then you create a webapp and deploy it using tomcat manager. you can put 
the mapscript class files at WEB-INF/lib directory if you have them in a 
jar file or put them in WEB-INF/class/mapscript otherwise for a webapp.


Andreas Hirner wrote:

> Hello Sathis,
> once again thanks for help. All the files compiled without any 
> problems, but when I tried to implement a sample I ran into some 
> general problems.
>> In tomcat, I added the following line in /etc/tomcat4/conf/tomcat4.conf
>> export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/mapserver/mapscript/java:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
> This is a problem, because I can't find a tomcat*.conf file in /etc. I 
> always thought tomcat is configured via the server.xml and web.xml 
> files. Am I wrong, and do I have to change the configuration.
> I also have a general problem. Where do I have to store the mapserv 
> executable and the libmapscript.so library. Did you put both of them 
> into /opt/mapserver or in certain subdirectories.
> The same thing goes for the java *.class files. Did you put them in 
> the /opt/mapserver/mapscript/java directory? Would it not be a good 
> idea to put them into WEB-INF directory.
> It would be great if somebody could tell how the different components 
> interact and how to organize my application.
> Thanks in advance
> Andreas
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