[mapserver-users] Layer Selecting

Richard Greenwood Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
Mon May 6 15:20:21 PDT 2002

You query all layers that have a TEMPLATE defined unless you set QLAYER, in 
which case you are only querying that layer. Unfortunately, you can set 
only one QLAYER.


At 03:39 PM 5/6/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Howdy all,
>I have been away from mapserver for a while, but when i left there was 
>discussion about being able to query individule layers as opposed to all 
>layers.... Is this possible yet?  If so how?
>Thanks so much,
>Grant Marblestone

Richard W. Greenwood, PLS
Greenwood Mapping, Inc.
Rich at GreenwoodMap.com
(307) 733-0203
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