[mapserver-users] Mapplet - Boxoff()

Hankley, Chip Chip.Hankley at GASAI.Com
Tue May 7 08:25:09 PDT 2002

I'm trying to fine tune the Mapplet. What I want is for 'boxoff' to be set
whenever the 'zoomin' button is not selected.

I can do this by doing something like this:

ZOOM IN  <input type="radio" name="zoomdir" value="1"
onClick="document.mapplet.boxon();" [zoomdir_1_check]><BR>
PAN<input type=radio name="zoomdir" value="0"
onClick="document.mapplet.boxoff();" [zoomdir_0_check]>
ZOOM OUT<input type=radio name="zoomdir" value="-1"
onClick="document.mapplet.boxoff();" [zoomdir_0_check]>

However, it appears that AFTER the mapplet executes, the default state is
boxon. So, what happens is that if I click the PAN button, I get the boxoff
state the FIRST time I try to pan, but the next time I attempt to PAN (i.e.
2 successive clicks on the image) the state has returned to boxon.

How do you overcome this?


Chip Hankley

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