[mapserver-users] Initially centering the map

James Jefferson jjeffers at deskmedia.com
Tue May 7 22:05:38 PDT 2002

Hello everyone,

How can I have mapserver center the image around a point? My users can add 
points to the map by passing in a new layer. As the manual describes:

"Here's a snippet from a GET request that addsa feature to a webuser layer:

I need the map to pan and zoom into and around that point automatically. I'm 
guessing this is really easy to do, but I haven't figured it out quite yet.
Thanks in advance,

-James Jefferson

PS - Thanks for the help last week regarding tiling maps. That was exactly 
what I needed. I now have street level mapping for the US based around the 
census tiger files ... all 10+ gigabytes worth.

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