[mapserver-users] display UTM points on Lambert data?

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Tue May 14 15:09:19 PDT 2002

For the archives...

Steve Lime confirmed that it's best to just define a projection object for
the dynamically generated layer of UTM-based points, transforming it to
Lambert CC on the fly (thanks Steve).

Here are the PROJ4 parameters for my map object...

    "proj=lcc"       # Lambert Conformal Conic
    "datum=NAD83"    # North American Datum of 1983
    "units=ft"       # international feet (0.3048 meters)
    "lon_0=-120.5"   # central meridian
    "lat_0=41.75"    # latitude of projection's origin
    "lat_1=43"       # 1st standard parallel
    "lat_2=45.5"     # 2nd standard parallel
    "x_0=400000"     # false easting (meters), (1,312,335.958 ft)
    "y_0=0"          # false northing (meters)

...and for my layer object...


In testing with a static shapefile (UTM zone 10), this works really well :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Dylan Keon" <keon at nacse.org>
To: <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Monday, May 13, 2002 6:13 PM
Subject: [mapserver-users] display UTM points on Lambert data?

> I'm working with statewide data sets for Oregon.  Since Oregon spans two
> zones, I projected my UTM10 and UTM11 data to a common projection (Oregon
> centered Lambert, a version of Lambert CC).  All the layers match up
> in my MapServer app.
> Next, I'd like to display point layers that are dynamically generated from
> database queries.  The coordinates in the database are in UTM.  Oregon
> Lambert units are international feet.  It's easy enough to convert meters
> international feet, but the layers still won't match up since the features
> are in different projections.
> Do I need to reproject the dynamically generated point layer on the fly?
> there a better solution that I'm not seeing?  I'm sure others have dealt
> with the issue of spanning two (or more) UTM zones, and displaying points
> from different projections...
> Thanks.
> --Dylan

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