[mapserver-users] Rosa and PNG

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed May 15 04:41:22 PDT 2002

There is a lot about this in the list archives


but basically, Java does not support PNG natively until Java 2 if I
remember correctly. So the one machine might have the new java installed
or may have a browser plugin that allows Java to render png.


Stefano Bonnin wrote:
> Does Rosa have some problem with PNG images?
> Now I explain my problem:
> I have installed Rosa under Mapserver with PNG support.
> Rosa doesn't draw the PNG map image but the image is created by mapserver
> and Rosa start correctly (there are no error reported by the browser).
> VERY STRANGE: only on one machine Rosa draw the PNG images (this is not the
> server machine). I didn't found any motive in order to undestand this
> strange behaviour!
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