[mapserver-users] Add points to shape

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu May 16 07:25:16 PDT 2002


There is a one to one correspondence between records in the shapefile
and the DBF file. The shapefile contains the geometric information for
the object and the DBF file contains the attribute information for the

So, for an arc type record, the shapefile has the x,y,x,y,x,y,x,y...
and the DBF might have info like TYPE="Road", ROUTE=27, NAME="Rudlof
Strasse", etc


Markus Spring wrote:
> >I don't believe mapscript is intended to edit the associated dbf files.
> >For instance if you look at the DBFInfo object you will see that it ONLY reads
> information rather than writes information.
> >At first this may seem strange but actually it makes sense for mapscript to not
> reinvent the wheel when there are other modules available for editting dbf
> files.
> >You will need to "use XBase;" in order to add records to the dbf file for the
> points you add.
> Lowell, could you please explain how the dbase record and the shape are
> connected to each other? This is a point where I did not come beyond trial and a
> lot of errors...
> Markus

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