[mapserver-users] querybyshape on postgis layer segfault in php mapscript

rr rburghol at vt.edu
Sat May 18 17:35:25 EDT 2002

Having gotten postgis up and displaying through mapserver, I am now having some difficulty using queryByShape(). Through process of elimination I have narrowed it down to one line int he code:

If I queryByShape on a postGIS layer, my application segfaults. The same exact query line, using a layer from a shapefile as the layer to query from, and all goes well.
Here are the scenarios/results:
- shapefilelayer->queryByShape( postGISShape) / Returns valid results
- shapefilelayer->queryByShape( shapefileShape) / Returns valid results
- postGISlayer->queryByShape( postgisShape) / Seg fault
- postGISlayer->queryByShape( shapefileShape) / Seg fault

I have built OID and GIST indexes on my tables as per the instructions in the postGIS web page (http://postgis.refractions.net/docs/x424.html) . Initially, I did NOT have these indexes built, and wonder if there is something that I need to do in order to "refresh"
postgres (I did a VACUUM ANALYZE as well). I don;t know if I built the indexes properly as I am un-familiar in general.

Any help would be most appreciated.


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