[mapserver-users] XML mapfile?

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Wed May 22 09:26:36 PDT 2002

well, I did mention it below... ;-). Yup, validating against a DTD would 
be useful.


On Wednesday, May 22, 2002, at 11:15  AM, C F wrote:

> On top of the things I mentioned, the other "cool" thing I forgot to 
> mention is, validation.  You veterans probably don't have this 
> problem... but being a new MapServer prospect, I've had some real 
> problems tracking down my mapfile errors.  Writing an XML schema that 
> defines all the rules for the mapfile format is pretty straightforward 
> and XML parsers are generally good at telling exactly what rule has 
> been broken and where.
>> [..]
>> However, in the spirit of discussion, there is one area where XML 
>> might be helpful. Most code editors (Homesite, jEdit, Pepper) nowadays 
>> can parse XML to create an XML tree. This can make editing a complex 
>> Mapfile easier as one can check for node closures, correctness and 
>> completeness.
>> [..]

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