[mapserver-users] aea projection support?

allan panitch allanp at tcosoft.com
Wed May 22 16:50:53 PDT 2002

Hello all,
I am successfully producing maps of America.  But I can seem to get the
maps to "squish" together to look like a mercator projection.
America looks elongated as opposed to the way we see it on a globe/map 
like mercator or aea.
Basically, no matter what I change the projections don't affect the
I even tried the pre-built binaries to make sure we didn't leave anything

Here is info from my .map file.

#        "ellps=GRS80"

#	"proj=aea"
#        "ellps=clrk66"
#        "lon_0=180"
#        "x_0=10000"
#        "y_0=10000"


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