[mapserver-users] Persistent Selection

Ryan, Adam ARyan at co.linn.or.us
Wed May 29 13:18:03 EDT 2002

Thanks, I got it.

I'm still unable to make a selection outlined rather than filled.

Any hints?


-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com]
Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 6:01 PM
To: Ryan, Adam
Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Persistent Selection

You need to look at the CGI Reference. There are two cgi variables:
savequery and queryfile that let you do this. Sorry, I can be more
specific, I use mapscript :)


"Ryan, Adam" wrote:
> I understand that.  But how do you then tell map server to simultaneously
> pan (mode = "browse") and also keep querying (mode = "query") for the
> [feature_value]?
> AR
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stephen Woodbridge [mailto:woodbri at swoodbridge.com]
> Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 5:24 PM
> To: Ryan, Adam
> Cc: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] Persistent Selection
> The basic theory is to add the selected item to a hidden form field to
> your template, like:
> <input type="hidden" name="feature_name" value="[feature_value]">
> in your template. Where feature_name and [feature_value] are the
> appropriate mapserver/template names.
> -Steve
> "Ryan, Adam" wrote:
> >
> >
> > Help me list...you're my only hope.
> >
> > I remember reading somewhere and seeing an example of a mapserver
> interface
> > that allowed the selected feature to persist as the user panned and
> zoomed.
> > And, the selection was outlined and not filled.
> >
> > How can I do either of these things (without using mapscript)?
> >
> > Thanks for any help on this,
> >
> > Adam Ryan
> > Linn County GIS
> >
> > PS  Kudos to y'all.  I couldn't do squat were it not for this list.

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