[mapserver-users] compiling mapscript for php

Stephen Woodbridge woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Thu May 30 06:28:14 PDT 2002

So you need to do just as it says.

re-configure PHP 4 using --with-system-regex
re-compile   PHP 4
re-configure MapServer using --with-php=/path/to/source/of/php4/
re-compile   MapServer


David Bain wrote:
> In the mapserver directory
> I run the command
>  ./configure --with-php=/usr/include/php/
> I get the following error when configuring mapserver
> with php
> configure: error:
> !!! The current version of PHP MapScript has some
> problems with       !!!
> !!! PHP4's bundled regex.  Until we figure the
> solution to the        !!!
> !!! problem, the workaround is to compile PHP4 with
> the system regex  !!!
> !!! Please re-configure and re-compile PHP4 with
> --with-system-regex  !!!
> !!! and then re-configure and re-compile MapServer.
>                !!!
> =====
> David Bain
> Internet and Networking
> pigeonflight at yahoo.co.uk
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