[mapserver-users] FILTER and MapScript

Jim Burnett r00t at ntelos.net
Thu Nov 7 05:59:36 PST 2002

Here is what I do.
$layObj->setFilter ("([$shape_number]=$poly_id)");


----- Original Message -----
From: "Guillaume SUEUR" <guillaume.sueur at khi2.fr>
To: "Liste MapServer" <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 6:20 AM
Subject: [mapserver-users] FILTER and MapScript

> Hi there,
> I can't get throught setting a filter using MapScript in spite of the
> examples on the list archive.
> No filter nor Filteritem are set in the MapFile.
> the code is :
> $poLayer->setFilter("([$field]".$operator." '".$value."')");
> where operator can be < > <= >= <> or =
> $field the dbf field to compare the value with
> $value the value of the filter
> after execution of this code, all objects of the layer disappear.
> The filter looks a bit strong !
> --
> ---------------------------
> Guillaume SUEUR
> Ingénieur développement SIG
> 25bis Avenue Marcel Dassault
> ----------------------------

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