November 2002 Archives by author
Starting: Fri Nov 1 04:21:41 PST 2002
Ending: Sat Nov 30 18:30:25 PST 2002
Messages: 609
- [mapserver-users] How to run MapServer with Tomcat 4.1?
"Morin, Marc-André"
- [mapserver-users] mapserv under win2000
>> nur hidayat <<
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet
Till Adams
- [mapserver-users] JS -- Query result in a new window
Till Adams
- [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
- [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
- [mapserver-users] Performance issues
- [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
- [mapserver-users] Debugging a CGI in MSVC
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Kieran J. Ames
- [mapserver-users] Beginner needs help
Luciano Alejandro Arevalo
- [mapserver-users] Vector output
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Rosa buttons management
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] Rosa buttons
Yewondwossen Assefa
- [mapserver-users] map server webhosting
David Bain
- [mapserver-users] Any zope based mapscript product on the horizon
David Bain
- [mapserver-users] Complex Symbols?
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Extent Recalaculator...
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Extent Recalaculator... Solution
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Vector output
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] vector symbol
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Line Thickness
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Making a Legend?
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
Keith Baker
- [mapserver-users] Query problem
Mark Balman
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript newbie
Mark Balman
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
Thomas Bartlett
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Thomas Bartlett
- [mapserver-users] Moving scalebar
Thomas Bartlett
- [mapserver-users] Please help to solve the Itasca Demo Problems
Dionnald Beh
- [mapserver-users] Itasca Demo Problem sloved!
Dionnald Beh
- [mapserver-users] Linewidth
Jeff Berry
- [mapserver-users] PHPMapScript - Identify Tool Not Working
Jeff Berry
- [mapserver-users] Fixed pan buttons with PHP Mapscript
Jeff Berry
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Daniel Berstein
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Daniel Berstein
- [mapserver-users] PHP (4.2.3) Mapscript as DSO
Daniel Berstein
- [mapserver-users] PHP (4.2.3) Mapscript as DSO
Daniel Berstein
- [mapserver-users] raster layer
Daniel Berstein
- [mapserver-users] MapServer - Win - PostGIS binary fails
Kjell-Olav Bjerknes
- [mapserver-users] maperror.h - MESSAGELENGTH isnt long enough for my messages
David Blasby
- [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Eric L. Blevins
- [mapserver-users]
Eric L. Blevins
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
David Boggio
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
David Boggio
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
David Boggio
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
David Boggio
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
Nicolas Boretos
- [mapserver-users] Cascading WMS
Brachmann, Ellen
- [mapserver-users] Cascading WMS
Brachmann, Ellen
- [mapserver-users] FILTER and MapScript
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] Postgres/Postgis on a different machine than mapserver
Armin Burger
- [mapserver-users] MapServer - aplication (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] question re: mapserver 3.6 demo installation (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] Tomcat Win2000 and Mapserver unresolved. Guru's please (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] New Symbol Repository in MapServer Wiki (FWD)
Thomas E. Burk
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] FILTER and MapScript
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] Line Thickness
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] Help needed on phpgis project......
Jim Burnett
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
Joe Bussell
- [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Joe Bussell
- [mapserver-users] highlighting a route
Joe Bussell
- [mapserver-users] mapserver db2 spatial extender
Johannes Bühler
- [mapserver-users] mapserver db2 spatial extender
Johannes Bühler
- [mapserver-users] mapserver db2 spatial extender
Johannes Bühler
- [mapserver-users] Poblem with labeling (cache?)
David Monterroso Cabello
- [mapserver-users] Can MapServer support Chinese?
w i Chan
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
Yu-Hsin Chen
- [mapserver-users] Raster pixel value
Brian Clark
- [mapserver-users] Displaying Legend Symbols HELP!
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] Beginner needs help
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] I know this is a dumb question but...
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] I know this is a dumb question but...
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] I know this is a dumb question but...
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] Formating numbers?
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/OS Survey (was: beginner getting started)
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] Addition to Mapserver examples.
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] New Alpha site online
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] HTM Legend: How to force "click thru" to new page?
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] HTM Legend: How to force "click thru" to new page?
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] question re: mapserver 3.6 demo installation (FWD)
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Thomas P. Colson
- [mapserver-users] fontset
Attila Csipa
- [mapserver-users] mapscript woes
Attila Csipa
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] Starange results- vmap0 to shape file
- Thanks Re: [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Unsetting parameters in Perl/MapScript
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] fontset
Lowell Filak
- [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Brian Fischer
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Kevin Flanders
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists
Kevin Flanders
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile and coordinate systems
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Rendering grids with mapserver
Brent Fraser
- [mapserver-users] Composing symbols
- [mapserver-users] Itemnquerymap and templates
- [mapserver-users] PHP (4.2.3) Mapscript as DSO
- [mapserver-users] SDE raster support
- [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
Dean Gadoury
- [maplab-users] RE: [mapserver-users] How to get rid of stock credits
Dean Gadoury
- [mapserver-users] Use more than one world file
Stéphane Garon
- [mapserver-users]
Andrew Germishuys
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Sean Gillies
- [mapserver-users] Tomcat Win2000 and Mapserver unresolved. Guru's please
Erik Van der Goot
- [mapserver-users] Does anybody use Mapserver and Tomcat on Win2000??
Erik Van der Goot
- [mapserver-users] compile error in RH 8 & Mdk 9
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] query - no results
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] mapplet enhancement
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] highlighting a route
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] DBF JOINS for Thematic Layers
Richard Greenwood
- [mapserver-users] Unsubscribe
Eric - HRA
- [mapserver-users] vector symbol
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] scale
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] WMS getFeatureInfo
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] wms getFeatureInfo
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] wms getFeatureInfo
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] symbol diagonal right
John Hagstrand
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Andrew Hallam
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] Mapping a raster colour to Transparent
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] php mapscript newbie
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] raster layer
Hankley, Chip
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Ashraf Hanna
- [mapserver-users] Geocoding server
Jackson Harper
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] MapServer + Weather Data
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] list archive
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Error Creating View...
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] Postgres/Postgis on a different machine than mapserver
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] setting status of a layer using url
Jan Hartmann
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Michael D. Hass
- [mapserver-users] WFS support
Matthew Hatcher
- [mapserver-users] SDE joins
James Healy
- [mapserver-users] Set Colors with php_mapscript in 3.7
Nicol Hermann
- [mapserver-users] MapServer + Weather Data
Daryl Herzmann
- [mapserver-users]
Tom Hodder
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Tom Hodder
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Tom Hodder
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Tom Hodder
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Tom Hodder
- [mapserver-users] problem with itemquery
Martin Hoegh
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Martin Hoegh
- [mapserver-users] setting status of a layer using url
Martin Hoegh
- [mapserver-users] Geocoding server
Jeff Hoffmann
- [mapserver-users] More about SCALE calculations
Jeff Hoffmann
- [mapserver-users] query - no results
Rob Holloway
- AW: [mapserver-users] Raster pixel value
Düster Horst
- [mapserver-users] msquerybypoit
Sven Jacobi
- [mapserver-users]
Sven Jacobi
- [mapserver-users] Polygon raster or what?
Sven Jacobi
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and Zope
Sven Jacobi
- [mapserver-users] See through layers
John M. Duggan, LSIT
- [mapserver-users] compilation problem
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [mapserver-users] compile error
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [mapserver-users] compile error
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [mapserver-users] mapserver
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [mapserver-users] mapserver hosting
Jithesh P. Joseph
- [mapserver-users] Raster pixel value
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Can MapServer support Chinese?
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] French characters in a map file
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Alpha querys
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] raster layer
Stepan Kafka
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile and coordinate systems
Tomas Kaminskas
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile and coordinate systems
Tomas Kaminskas
- [mapserver-users] Vector output
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] labelObj question - PHP
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] archive not searching all?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] Re: labelObj question - PHP
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] labelObj question - PHP
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] transparent PNG scalebar?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] Re: transparent PNG scalebar?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] Mapping a raster colour to Transparent
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] WMS layers from multiple projections?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] TIFFs no longer displaying
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] MapScript with PHP --enable-debug?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] MapScript with PHP --enable-debug?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] v. 3.7 release?
Dylan Keon
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] oracle8.1.7 and mapserver
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] status bar in no appearing !
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] status bar in no appearing !
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] raster layer
nida Khan
- [mapserver-users] Addition to Mapserver examples.
Simon Kirkness
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Help With Interactice Mapserver Applications
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Puneet Kishor
- FW: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Problems with Perl mapscript and save()
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Getting Started
Puneet Kishor
- [mapserver-users] Raster images in a DB
Shaun Kolomeitz
- [mapserver-users] Geocoding server
Uffe Kousgaard
- [mapserver-users] Coordinate transformation in Java (latlong to LCC)
Jan Kunzmann
- [mapserver-users] Polygon raster or what?
Jan Kunzmann
- [mapserver-users] Complex Symbols?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] scale
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: SOS
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Resizing Layers
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Unsetting parameters in Perl/MapScript
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Fwd: Tomcat Win2000 and Mapserver unresolved. Guru's please
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Raster pixel value
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Using spatial indexes with tiled indexes
Steve Lime
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Dragos Lipan
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Dragos Lipan
- [mapserver-users] Instalation problems...
Dragos Lipan
- [mapserver-users] Possible bug? or bad configuration!
Dragos Lipan
- [mapserver-users] Possible bug? or bad configuration!
Dragos Lipan
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] PointZ
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] I know this is a dumb question but...
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] I know this is a dumb question but...
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample d ata
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Lowther, David W
- FW: [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Lowther, David W
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7 ItemQuery
netGIS Site Manager
- [mapserver-users] Complex Symbols?
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Linewidth
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Line Thickness
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] layer transparent
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] JS -- Query result in a new window
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample d ata
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r esults are null
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r esults are null
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] sample data test
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] question re: mapserver 3.6 demo installatio n (FWD)
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Please help to solve the Itasca Demo Proble ms
Martin, Daniel
- [mapserver-users] Composing symbols
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] Vector output
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] Composing TrueType symbols
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] Using spatial indexes with tiled indexes
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] WMS_ONLINERESOURCE
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] Simple Join
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] DBF JOINS for Thematic Layers
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] v. 3.7 release?
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
John McCue
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: use of oriented labels]
Dave McIlhagga
- [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] HTM Legend: How to force "click thru" to new page?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] WMS layers
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] WMS_ONLINERESOURCE
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] TIFFs no longer displaying
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] Use more than one world file
Ed McNierney
- [mapserver-users] maplab - mapbrowser
Roman Meier
- [mapserver-users] unsubscribe
Alec Millar
- [mapserver-users] Help With Interactice Mapserver Applications
Michael Mio
- [mapserver-users] Help With Queries
Michael Mio
- [mapserver-users] Resizing Layers
Michael Mio
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Tyler Mitchell
- [mapserver-users] gcc 3.x and gcc 2.9.x
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Re: mailing list memberships reminder
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Projection errors
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Cascading WMS
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Re: Info on mapscript & php 4.2.3
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Possible bug? or bad configuration!
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users]
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Platform/OS Survey (was: beginner getting started)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Set Colors with php_mapscript in 3.7
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WFS support
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WFS support
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PointZ
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WFS support
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Re: labelObj question - PHP
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Supported Formats List
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Transparency problem
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Fatal error: Call to undefined function: querybyattributes()
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] list archive
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Color property in label object with php/Mapscript
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PHP (4.2.3) Mapscript as DSO
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] MapScript with PHP --enable-debug?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] v. 3.7 release?
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] French characters in a map file
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Why -lc and not -lgd -- checking for gdImagePng in -lc... no
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Problems with querymap
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] Apache php/mapscript and PROJ_LIB
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] fontset
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] mapscript woes
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PHP mapscript: drawing labels as top layer
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] PHP mapscript: drawing labels as top layer
Daniel Morissette
- [mapserver-users] SDE connect but not > once
Murray, Ross
- [mapserver-users] scale
Murray, Ross
- [mapserver-users] epsg >> NOT
Murray, Ross
- [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Murray, Ross
- [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Murray, Ross
- [mapserver-users] Error Creating View...
João Mário
- [mapserver-users] New Alpha site online
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Gerry Creager N5JXS
- [mapserver-users] gd compilation problem
Biju A NAir
- [mapserver-users] scale
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] SOS (FWD)
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Pericles S. Nacionales
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver 3.7 ItemQuery
- [mapserver-users] SDE raster support
Nehring, Jon
- [mapserver-users] MapServer on Windows 95/98/Me using PWS or Xitami
Oscar Mesquita Neto
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
John Newton
- [mapserver-users] SCALE definition + OGR StyleItem Auto with MapInfo TAB
Lars V. Nielsen
- [mapserver-users] More about SCALE calculations
Lars V. Nielsen
- [mapserver-users] bug list query
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] windows binaries with SDE support?
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] Rosa applet and Mapserver queries
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] GML from WMS GetFeatureInfo
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] French characters in a map file
Debbie Pagurek
- [mapserver-users] Alpha querys
Luca Palli
- [mapserver-users] Does anybody use Mapserver and Tomcat on Wi n2000??
Luca Palli
- [mapserver-users] Line Thickness
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered results are null
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r esults are null
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] Hide Layers on HTML legend where filtered r esults are null
Palmer, Steve
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] layer transparent
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] layer transparent
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] symbol diagonal right
Ivan Paoluzzi
- [mapserver-users] Error install maplab in win32
Diego Padr=?ISO-8859-1?Q?=F3?=n Paredes
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Mark Phillips
- [mapserver-users] Suggestion for added functionality: Nautic miles
Bjarni Pjetursson
- [mapserver-users] how to show only visible polygons in the legend
Björn Platzen
- [mapserver-users] Active X Dll
- [mapserver-users] Design Documents
- [mapserver-users] Design Documents
- [mapserver-users] Supported Formats List
- [mapserver-users] Debugging a CGI in MSVC
- [mapserver-users] Design Documents
- [mapserver-users] Help needed MapServer Visual C++ 6.0 Project Workspace
- [mapserver-users] Help needed MapServer Visual C++ 6.0 Project Workspace
- [mapserver-users] Newe MapServer Application
Alexander Pucher
- [mapserver-users] Transparency problem
Alexander Pucher
- [mapserver-users] Transparency problem
Alexander Pucher
- [mapserver-users] Problem with filling
Manuel Marichal Pérez
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
Virgilio Ramos
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] MapServer + Weather Data
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] mapserver db2 spatial extender
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Coordinate transformation in Java (latlong to LCC)
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Paul Ramsey
- [postgis-users] Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Paul Ramsey
- [postgis-users] Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] Postgres/Postgis on a different machine than mapserver
Paul Ramsey
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Seth Rodriguez
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Seth Rodriguez
- [mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample data
Seth Rodriguez
- [mapserver-users] sample data test
Seth Rodriguez
- [mapserver-users] How I got PHP + GD + Freetype + MapScript to work with proper text label angle
Peter Rukavina
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
Ryan, Adam
- [mapserver-users] FILTER and MapScript
Guillaume SUEUR
- [mapserver-users] Rosa buttons management
Guillaume SUEUR
- [mapserver-users] Rosa buttons
Guillaume SUEUR
- [mapserver-users] Rosa buttons
Guillaume SUEUR
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
Krung Saengpole
- [mapserver-users] Installation problems with php_mapscript
Antonio Hernandez Sanchez
- [mapserver-users] New list for spanish users
Antonio Hernandez Sanchez
- [mapserver-users] Getting Started
Ken Sanderson
- [mapserver-users] Projection errors
Armando Scalise
- [mapserver-users] compilation problem
Michael Schulz
- [mapserver-users] gdal with jpeg2000
Drew Simpson
- [mapserver-users] Associating Postgresql data with shapes from a shapefile
Paul Smith
- [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
Michael Soracco
- [mapserver-users] Coordinate transformation in Java (latlong to LCC)
Michael Soracco
- [mapserver-users] maplab - mapbrowser
Paul Spencer
- [mapserver-users] PHP mapscript: drawing labels as top layer
Jim Sproull
- [mapserver-users] PHP mapscript: drawing labels as top layer
Jim Sproull
- [mapserver-users] Query from a text string
Ben Stewart
- [mapserver-users] msQueryByAttributes(): General error message. No query layer defined
Ben Stewart
- [mapserver-users] Complex Symbols?
- [mapserver-users] Raster overlay question
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
- [mapserver-users] gcc 3.x and gcc 2.9.x
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [mapserver-users] gcc 3.x and gcc 2.9.x
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [mapserver-users] gcc 3.x and gcc 2.9.x
Babak Toloue Tehrani
- [mapserver-users] PHP QueryByrect
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and datawarehouse
Oscar Testa
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Thomas, Cord
- [mapserver-users] Mapscript alternatives
Thomas, Cord
- [mapserver-users] Creating an abutter's list (was: Accessing Vertices of a Shape - PHP MapScript)
Thomas, Cord
- [mapserver-users] list archive
Peter Thomas
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Gerald Thornberry
- [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
Gerald Thornberry
- [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
Frauke Trurnit
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
Ruben Tsui
- [mapserver-users] vector symbol
Ian Turton
- [mapserver-users] WMS resources
Tweedy, Scott
- [mapserver-users] WMS layers
Tweedy, Scott
- [mapserver-users] Mapping a raster colour to Transparent
Tweedy, Scott
- [mapserver-users] archive not searching all?
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] mdp cvs access
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] list archive
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] requires resubscription by all
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [Mapserver-users] welcome
Ranga Raju Vatsavai
- [mapserver-users] gcc 3.x and gcc 2.9.x
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] how does swig work?
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Norman Vine
- [mapserver-users] compile error in RH 8 & Mdk 9
René Viáncos
- [mapserver-users] Mapplet problems.
René Viáncos
- [mapserver-users] lista en español de mapserver
René Viáncos
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Arjen Vrielink
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Arjen Vrielink
- [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Arjen Vrielink
- [mapserver-users] Map Scale
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [postgis-users] Re: [mapserver-users] Mapserver and PostgreSQL
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [postgis-users] Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [postgis-users] Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [mapserver-users] Error reporting on php/ms 3.6.3
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [mapserver-users] postgis problem
Vinko Vrsalovic
- [mapserver-users] epsg >> NOT
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Supported Formats List
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Raster overlay question
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] WMS layer is blank
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] 24bit to 8 bit with dithering
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Mapping a raster colour to Transparent
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] Raster pixel value
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] compile problems
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] SCALE definition + OGR StyleItem Auto with MapInfo TAB
Frank Warmerdam
- [mapserver-users] postgis problem
Kevin Webb
- [mapserver-users] installation mapscript with apache on win3 2 platform
Wenneck, Thomas De Lange
- [mapserver-users] [Fwd: About setfilter in layer object]
William A. Bronsema, C.E.T.
- [mapserver-users] FEATUREQUERY
Richard Wood
- [mapserver-users] ITEMNQUERY with regular expression filter
Richard Wood
- [mapserver-users] compile problems
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] compile problems
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] compile problems
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] gmap demo segfault
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] MapScript with PHP --enable-debug?
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] Why -lc and not -lgd -- checking for gdImagePng in -lc... no
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] Why -lc and not -lgd -- checking for gdImagePng in -lc... no
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] Answer to Why Configure Fails to Detected GD Supported Graphics Formats
Caffeinate The World
- [mapserver-users] MapServer Performance
Benjamin Wragg
- [mapserver-users] Postgres/Postgis on a different machine than mapserver
Klaus Zahradnik
- [mapserver-users] Proj.4 - compiled in, but still not working
Klaus Zahradnik
- [mapserver-users] msquerybypoit
Emil Zegers
- Betr.: [mapserver-users] Query from a text string
Emil Zegers
- Betr.: [mapserver-users] Query from a text string
Emil Zegers
- [mapserver-users] meters to lat/lon
Zhang, William
- [mapserver-users] Complex Symbols?
Drew from Zhrodague
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Drew from Zhrodague
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
Drew from Zhrodague
- [mapserver-users] symbols scalable?
Drew from Zhrodague
- [mapserver-users] project onto a globe?
Drew from Zhrodague
- [mapserver-users] PDF generation
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] Debian ?
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] Performance issues
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] Fixed pan buttons with PHP Mapscript
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists
Antti.Roppola at
- [mapserver-users] RE: [maplab-users] WMS resources
Jean-Francois.Doyon at
- [mapserver-users] Problems with Perl mapscript and save()
Jean-Francois.Doyon at
- [mapserver-users] Unsetting parameters in Perl/MapScript
Jean-Francois.Doyon at
- [mapserver-users] See through layers
Jean-Francois.Doyon at
- [mapserver-users] Coordinate transformation in Java (latlong to LCC)
Jean-Francois.Doyon at
- [mapserver-users] See through layers
Peter.Bruton at
- [mapserver-users] creating truetype font files
Peter.Bruton at
- [mapserver-users] creating truetype font files
Peter.Bruton at
- [mapserver-users] creating truetype font files
Peter.Bruton at
- [mapserver-users] [layername_desc]
- [mapserver-users] Annotations not appearing on map with phpMapscript
NVohra at
- [mapserver-users] Re: Annotations not appearing on map with phpMapscript - Solved
NVohra at
- [mapserver-users] Re: Annotations not appearing on map with phpMapscript - Solution
NVohra at
- [mapserver-users] Debian ?
- [mapserver-users] Debian ?
- [mapserver-users] PDF generation
Timothy.Mackey at
- [mapserver-users] uses of oriented labels
fx gamoy
- [mapserver-users] installation mapscript with apache on win32 platform
fx gamoy
- [mapserver-users] installation mapscript with apache on win32 platform
fx gamoy
- [mapserver-users] Apache php/mapscript and PROJ_LIB
fx gamoy
- [mapserver-users] Problems with querymap
frauke.trurnit at
- [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
m.spring at
- [mapserver-users] Supported Databases
jcgarin.dittt at
- [mapserver-users] creating truetype font files
randy james
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Truetype font.
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] SDE joins
Mapserver account for mailing list
- [mapserver-users] SDE performance
Mapserver account for mailing list
- [mapserver-users] Projection and queries - msQueryByPoint(): Search returned no results
Mapserver account for mailing list
- [mapserver-users] Projection and queries - msQueryByPoint():Search returned no results
Mapserver account for mailing list
- [mapserver-users] ITEMNQUERY with regular expression filter
Mapserver account for mailing list
- [mapserver-users] Re: Couldn't run perl mapscript under Apache
- [mapserver-users] Color property in label object with php/Mapscript
otesta at
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile and coordinate systems
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] Shapefile Modification
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] My gis program
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] WFS support
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] msOpenSHPFile(): Unable to access file.
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] Geocoding server
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] abutters lists....
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] Mapping a raster colour to Transparent
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] vmap0 to shape file
woodbri at
- [mapserver-users] Use more than one world file
woodbri at
Last message date:
Sat Nov 30 18:30:25 PST 2002
Archived on: Mon Oct 7 06:02:12 PDT 2024
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).