[mapserver-users] beginner getting started

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Mon Nov 11 20:35:43 PST 2002

On Monday, November 11, 2002, at 06:23  PM, Martin, Daniel wrote:

> When writing the thread I was being VERY careful to chose my words 
> because I
> wanted to make 100% sure I didn't offend anyone.

you didn't

> Yet they did.  For that I
> apologize to the list.

you don't have to

> I would like to know what offended the members of the list, so I can 
> avoid
> it in the future.  I've read, and re-read the thread.  I can't find 
> the holy
> war.  I can't find the Windows bashing.  I can't find the Linux 
> bashing.  I
> can't find the ranting.

there was none.

> Maybe I'm just blind to my own words.
> I really don't want to be stuck with a cloud of concern over my head 
> every
> time I post that it might offend members of the list.

you don't have to.

> I do feel that way
> now, and for now I think I'll keep off the list.

you shouldn't.

> Please do let me know, privately or publicly.

there. I just did.

this is a list. people will agree, people will demurr. who cares. its 
just mapserver, not a freakin' political stump speech. of course, as 
long as threads don't become idiotic ad nauseam...

do stay and contribute.


> -Dan Martin
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Gerald Thornberry [mailto:gthornberry at sdimaps.com]
>> Sent: Monday, November 11, 2002 4:35 PM
>> To: mapserver
>> Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] beginner getting started
>> Clarification:
>> The help that the respondents originally rendered in this thread was
>> great.  Subsequent responses, however, were becoming increasingly
>> emotionally charged rather than informative and it galled me that:
>> 1.  The new user was no longer being served by their own thread
>> 2.  Yet another counter-productive OS holy war was brewing
>> My post was a gut response to the same, old Windows vs.Linux argument,
>> when they both suck and don't suck in their own ways.  I was trying to
>> call attention to the unprofessional, argumentative _tone_ of
>> the thread
>> rather than say that any _person_ was unprofessional.  Bottom line:  I
>> wasn't trying to call anybody names.  If I offended anyone, I
>> apologize.
>> I prefer to use Linux and OpenBSD myself.  As a Tech Support Manager,
>> though, I try to simply stay agnostic and be a "solve the problem with
>> the right wrench" kind of person.  Often that involves using Microsoft
>> Windows OSs.  An objective comparison of operating systems would, in
>> fact, be very relevant to the MapServer forum.  If someone takes the
>> time to genuinely compare them I hope you post the results.  It would
>> benefit the MapServer user-base, especially new users, very much.
>> The MapServer list is a public forum, and I'm certainly not its
>> moderator.  I'm just a subscriber who didn't feel like
>> hearing a rehash
>> of tired, old Linux vs. Windows rants.  I encourage anyone who has
>> advice, instruction, or opinion about MapServer to speak openly (as I
>> did).
>> Gerald
>> -- 
>> Gerald Thornberry
>> Technical Support Manager
>> Spatial Data Integrations, Inc.
>> (502)568-3628

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