[mapserver-users] WMS layers

Ed McNierney ed at topozone.com
Mon Nov 18 07:50:31 PST 2002

Scott -

Could you post screen shots of the two images you're comparing?

I'm not completely clear on what these two usage scenarios are - in particular:

"If I add a layer definition in a .map file for one of the same layers in the
same .map file used previously and view the .map file on the Intranet or
through MapLab the WMS layer is rendered very poorly."

Are you working with two DIFFERENT .map files, or the same .map file viewed in two different contexts?

Are your layers raster layers, vector, or both?  If they're raster layers, are they being viewed at the same scale in both contexts (image resizing/resampling can degrade the image quality a lot).

Your comment, "Shouldn't a map layer added as a WMS layer in a .map file look the same as that same layer does when using a WMS GetMap request?" still puzzles me.  How are you looking at a "WMS layer" in a .map file OTHER than by using a WMS GetMap request?  Sorry if I'm sounding dense, but if you could clarify what these two scenarios are it would help me.  Thanks.

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
President and Chief Mapmaker
TopoZone.com / Maps a la carte, Inc.
73 Princeton Street, Suite 305
North Chelmsford, MA  01863
ed at topozone.com
(978) 251-4242 
-----Original Message-----
From: Tweedy, Scott [mailto:sctweedy at NRCan.gc.ca]
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2002 10:21 AM
To: MapLab Users (E-mail); MapServer Users (E-mail)
Subject: [mapserver-users] WMS layers

I've been experimenting with WMS layers and creating a WMS application and I
have a question about image quality and georeferencing with MapServer and
maybe MapLab.

Unfortunately, the application is on an Intranet or I could give the actual
URL examples.

If I create a .map file and call that file through MapServer as a WMS GetMap
 the file comes up exactly as I want it, the images are crisp and accurate.

If I add a layer definition in a .map file for one of the same layers in the
same .map file used previously and view the .map file on the Intranet or
through MapLab the WMS layer is rendered very poorly.  The colours are all
different, lines are very pixilated and the location of the element (whether
it's a point, line, polygon or raster layer) is not correct.  If necessary I
can send screen shots of the problem.

Is there something I'm missing?  Shouldn't a map layer added as a WMS layer
in a .map file look the same as that same layer does when using a WMS GetMap
request?  Am I missing something?

I'm using:
MapLab 2.0rc2
php 4.2.2
MapScript 3.6

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