[mapserver-users] labelObj question - PHP

Dylan Keon keon at nacse.org
Thu Nov 14 22:59:12 PST 2002

 >> Since there isn't a getLabel method, what is the PHP syntax for
 >> setting label parameters?  The closest I could find in the archives
 >> is something like $layerClass->{label}->set('size', 20); but that
 >> didn't work.
 > Well, I didn't try it myself before writing this, but what you did
 > should work: $layerClass->{label}->set('size', 20)
 > Are you sure that's it's not something else that you're missing
 > such as the label type (TRUETYPE)?
 > $layerClass->{label}->set('size', 20)

Thanks, Daniel.

For the list archives: that is the correct syntax.  Knowing that helped 
me troubleshoot my problem, which was that I had the class index order 
reversed when using $layer->getClass().  The other label parameters 
(such as TRUETYPE) are already set in the mapfile, I just needed to 
change the label size dynamically.

Thanks again,

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