[mapserver-users] Does anybody use Mapserver and Tomcat on Wi n2000??

Luca Palli lp at INSER.CH
Fri Nov 29 00:29:22 PST 2002

Yes, but it works only in browse mode. 
In map (for legend reference and scalbar is the same) mode Tomcat send the
image as texts and change some bytes. 
For exemple the byte 90 is a reserved byte in Windows and Tomcat transform
it to 3F "?".

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Erik Van der Goot [mailto:erik.van-der-goot at jrc.it]
> Sent: jeudi, 28. novembre 2002 15:06
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: [mapserver-users] Does anybody use Mapserver and Tomcat on
> Win2000??

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