[mapserver-users] mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems (FWD)

Thomas E. Burk teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Thu Nov 14 08:59:17 PST 2002

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X-Sender: gooteri at isis-ms.jrc.it
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 17:46:43 +0100
To: mapserver-info at lists.gis.umn.edu
From: "Erik Van der Goot" <erik.van-der-goot at jrc.it>
Subject: mapserv CGI, Tomcat 4.0.2, Win2000 problems
Mime-Version: 1.0

Dear all,

I would like to use mapserver to produce simple maps, basically to be 
included into an html page through the <img> tag.
The problem is that I seem to 'hang' mapserv.exe when accessing through 

I am using Tomcat 4 standalone as my web server.

I have created a MapServer webapp inthe Tomcat WebApps directory, and in 
the web.xml I have enabled the cgi-servlet.
I have installed the mapserver software in the 
webapps\MapServer\WEB-INF\cgi directory and set the url pattern to cgi-bin

So far so good..

If I type the url of the mapserv.exe, it works, in the sense that I get 
correct error message. So I AM talking to mapserv.exe through HTTP

I have then downloaded and installed the demo. I have with some trial and 
error edited all the paths in the demo-init.html.
When I click on the init button, the browser just sits there. I CAN 
see the .GIF files being produced on the server, but i get nothing back, 
error, nothing, just a blank page and a little whirling globe (yes I use 

So I am almost there but something is not working....

When I try to produce a map through the URL directly (using my own data) 
behaves the same way. Whenever I make a mistake in the filenames it gives 
me an error, so ok, i AM talking to the program, but when I type


I get nothing but a waiting browser...

Any help would be greatly appreciated


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