[mapserver-users] setting status of a layer using url

Jan Hartmann jhart at frw.uva.nl
Thu Nov 28 05:06:41 PST 2002

Right! In MapServer CGI you can turn layers on via the URL with the 
LAYER <name> or LAYERS <name name ...> variable. These layers have to be 
defined in the MapFile with STATUS ON, STATUS OFF, or no STATUS defined. 
A layer is displayed automatically only when it has been defined with 
STATUS DEFAULT. You cannot turn such a layer off by scripting (I think).

Jan Hartmann

Martin Hoegh wrote:
> Hi
> It seems too me that it’s not possible to set the status of a layer 
> using an url e.g. map_mylayer_status=default. Can this be right?
> Martin Høgh

Jan Hartmann
Department of Geography
University of Amsterdam
jhart at frw.uva.nl

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