[mapserver-users] My gis program

woodbri at swoodbridge.com woodbri at swoodbridge.com
Wed Nov 6 04:59:13 PST 2002


No, It currently MUST be built and run as a cgi program. There are 
thread safety issues that are still being worked on.  But this list 
has representatives of some very large applications that get very 
high number of hits and performance is not a problem.

-Steve W.

On 6 Nov 2002 at 13:52, Ruben Tsui wrote:

> Hello all,
> I have this burning question which I've been afraid to ask.
> Is there a way to runMapServer in-process with Apache (a la 
> mod_perl)
> to take advantage of any possible performance gain?
> I tried looking into the docs but counldn't find anything (yet) :(
> Thanks,
> Ruben Tsui

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