[mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Murray, Ross
rmurray at NRCan.gc.ca
Tue Nov 12 10:54:06 PST 2002
-----Original Message-----
From: Debbie Pagurek [ <mailto:pagurekd at agr.gc.ca>
mailto:pagurekd at agr.gc.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2002 1:26 PM
To: rmurray at NRCan.gc.ca
Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] I give up; WMS (client)
Hmmm... try setting STATUS DEFAULT instead of STATUS ON for your layers.
Nope. That weren't it.
I notice that your metadata tags look different from mine . . .
Nope. That weren't it neither.
For your SDE layer . . .
It probably isn't the SDE layer, since that layer looks great in the service
that calls it as an SDE layer instead of as a WMS layer. Indeed, if I type
maps%2fmilne.map&REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.0> &REQUEST=GetMap&VERSION=1.1.0
I get precisely the map image I want.
for your second example, . . . Here's one that works:
It does look nice on its own, but it still won't come up if I call it as a
layer in my WMS client. Interestingly, it is a blank image but without the
background colour I assigned.
Lastly, I'd just make sure that your projection parameters are OK i.e. do
the bounds you give make sense? Try setting it up without using any
projection stuff and see if you can get it to work.
They are, they do, and it doesn't.
Good luck, and let me know if any of this helped.
Thanks anyway for your concern.
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