[mapserver-users] abutters lists....

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Wed Nov 20 12:26:13 PST 2002

I've dropped Mr. Held a note asking about restrictions in embedding his
code, or something derived from it into MapServer. We'll see.


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <woodbri at swoodbridge.com> 11/19/02 08:20PM >>>
Yes, that is exactly right, if not better said. :)

After doing some research on the web, this looks like a potential 
candidate for code that might do what we need. This problem has been 
researched extensively for doing NC machining.

Anyway, part way down this page:


is a link to email the author for info on how to get his ANSI C 
source and to discuss usage issues if any. The 6th example down the 
page shows offset contours of a very complex polygon.

-Steve W.

On 19 Nov 2002 at 20:15, Norman Vine wrote:

> woodbri at swoodbridge.com writes:
> >
> > The buffering algorithm is tricky, but an interesting problem.
> > Growing the vectors from the centriod only works for convex
> > polygons, it will fail for concave polygons like:
> > 
> >       +---------+       +---------+
> >        |          |        |          |
> >        |          +------+          |
> >        |                              |
> >        +----------------------------+
> > 
> > The right way to do this, I think, is to walk around the polygon
> > construct offsets, then interest the offsets and re-chain the
> > segments into a new polygon, you also have to eliminate loops on
> > new polygon caused by the fact that the offset can eliminate some
> > features from the new polygon. For example with a large enough
> > offset the notch in the above would be eliminated from the
> > of the new offset polygon changing it from 6 vertices to 4
> or another way of saying the 'same' 
> draw a circle of the desired radius around each point
> then the projection of the original linesegments out to the 
> corresponding tangent vectors of the circles and the outer
> 'arcs' of said circles are the segments of the 'buffer' polygon
> Cheers
> Norman

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