[mapserver-users] Error reporting on php/ms 3.6.3

Vinko Vrsalovic vinko at cprsig.cl
Fri Nov 29 18:08:27 PST 2002


	Testing the dynamic classification app I have been talking
	about, I stumbled upon the limit of 50 classes defined in the
	source. The issue was solved by recompiling, and had no trouble
	at all.

	But the error that PHP gave is, at least, awful for a newbie:

	Fatal Error on line <line where the newClassObj is called>

	And no reason at all. 

	I'm sure that if I had not been reading the list and using
	MapServer for as long as I have (a year or so) it would've been 
	almost impossible to find the reason of that error.

	I seem to recall that error reporting was improved in 3.7, is
	this issue considered?

Vinko Vrsalovic <el[|- at -|]vinko.cl>

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