[mapserver-users] mapscript woes

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Thu Nov 28 14:51:38 EST 2002

Attila Csipa wrote:
> What am I doing wrong ? The added layer causes the PHP process to exit when I
> call $map->draw; The same setup (except for the color handling which changed
> in 3.7) under mapserver 3.6.3 worked fine.
> On a side note, if I try to change the color of a layer, I get the following
> message on the ms_newStyleObj constructor:
> Warning: Unknown list entry type in request shutdown (0) in Unknown on line 0
> I would really appreciate any help since I'm a bit stuck here :(

I tried running your script in 3.7 with a few modifications to work in
my environment, also added code to call $map->draw(), and to fetch one
of the existing layers in the map and change its color and everything
works fine for me.  I'm using PHP 4.2.3 on Linux with the latest 3.7
source from CVS.

Are you using at least PHP 4.1.x?  The last time we saw errors similars
to the one you got (Unknown list entry type in request shutdown (0) in
Unknown on line 0) it was in the PHP 4.0.x days.

Unfortunately we cannot help much without a way to reproduce the
problem.  If you are able to provide more details to reproduce this on
other machines then please file a bug in bugzilla.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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