[mapserver-users] Postgres/Postgis on a different machine than mapserver

Armin Burger armin.burger at libero.it
Wed Nov 27 04:26:17 PST 2002


you can access Postgres/PostGIS with MapServer from another machine. I suppose that the other machine has MapServer with PostGIS support installed. So it could be a problem of the start parameters of Postgres.

I think the default setting of PG is to be available only locally. You need the start parameter '-i' to have it available also via TCP/IP. It should also be necessary to add the other machine as host in the file 'pg_hba.conf'.

You could test if you can access Postgres with the psql programm from the second PC. If it fails then probably Postgres is not running with the '-i' option or the host is not allowed to connect.


> Hy there!
> We have the following problem:

> We have one machine with Postgres/-gis and Mapserver installed and
> running.
> We also have a second machine, with only the Mapserver running on it. We
> want the  second machine to use the database of the first one (since the
> first one is way bigger).

> Do we have to compile and install postgres and postgis on the second
> machine, just to be able to use the postgis database on the second
> machine?
> We tried just to connect to it, but get the unsupported error (sonce we
> did
> not install and compile postgres/gis on the second machine)

> best regards and thanks in advance
> Klaus Zahradnik

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