[mapserver-users] mapserver db2 spatial extender

Johannes Bühler johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de
Tue Nov 19 02:12:46 EST 2002

> Well, if you already know C and have a test DB2
> database and development environment, you can
> probably template off the > existing PostGIS or 
> Oracle connectors and get things working. So, >
> medium difficult.

I do not have any knowlegde in C (only Java). so
it would be quite difficult for me to change the
code by myself.
> We are a consulting company, so we would do the
> work under contract, set up our own DB2
> development environment, and > commit the code
> back into the main Mapserver source tree for you
> or your > clients use. If you're interested in a
> development quotation, I would > be happy to
> draw one up.

thanks. but the thing is that i need the mapserver
for my diploma theses, so it is not a commercial
purpose. But anyway i think it is in general a
good thing to let the mapserver work together with
db2 and spatial extender especially with regard to
the oracle support.  

Johannes Buehler

--          Johannes Buehler
   __O      Feldtstr. 45
 =`\<,      14789 Greifswald 
(=)/(=)     johannesbuehler at oderbruecke.de

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