[mapserver-users] trying to test my install with the sample data

Seth Rodriguez srodriguez at maguiregroup.com
Tue Nov 12 07:14:32 PST 2002

Hey all. Thanx to all for your much appreciated help and patience. I
believe that I have gotten the third win32 binary
<http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/win32bin/ms363gif_gdal_wms.zip> ) loaded
properly using IIS on my desktop winXP machine, and I am trying to test
it with the sample data. Using the directions offered at MapServer 3.5
Demo <http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/doc36/demo_readme.html>
Instructions, I have edited the demo_init.html and demo.map files as
instructed with no problem. Here is where I have hit a bump. To make
sure that my web server and mapserver cgi program are running properly,
I typed http://localhost/scripts/mapserv.exe into my internet explorer
window. The tutorial says I should get the message - no query
information to decode. Query_string set, but empty. I got the message as
- No query information to decode. QUERY_STRING not set. Any idea what I
have done wrong? Also, I am when I run mapserv.exe, I get that annoying
open/save message box that seems to be preventing my app from working
properly. Please help. The end seems so close yet so far away.



Seth Rodriguez

Environmental Scientist

GIS Analyst

Maguire Group Inc.

564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 281-6393

(412) 281-7908 FAX


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