[mapserver-users] sample data test

Seth Rodriguez srodriguez at maguiregroup.com
Fri Nov 15 11:59:10 PST 2002

I am stumped with getting my app running properly. Here is where I am
at. I installed IIS on my windows XP machine. I downloaded the third
binary and the library zip in the windows list. I put the mapserv.exe at
C:\Inetpub\Scripts. I extracted the sample data to
C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\itasca. I put the epsg file at C:\Proj\nad. I edited
the map doc and the initialize doc according the sample tutorial
instructions. I tested my mapserv CGI program (with some help from the
community) and it seems to be responding properly. To do the final test
of the demo_init.html, I loaded it in Internet Explorer and clicked on
the Initialize button. This prompted a save/download popup. I chose to
open the file, which should simply run the exe from its location. Once I
choose this option, the mapserv.exe seems to run, i.e. a dos window
quickly pops up and then goes away without an error message. All of this
seems so good so far, but once the mapserv.exe run, my window stays at
the demo_init.html document. It is my understanding that the exe should
engage the demo.html document and the map should load with three layers
turned on, but I get nothing. Thanx to those in the community how have
gotten me to where I am now. However, I do need a bit more help. Anyone
out there know why my CGI program doesn't seem to be hitting my
demo.html? Is there some code I need to edit? Please help. Thanx in
advance for your time. 


Seth Rodriguez

Environmental Scientist

GIS Analyst

Maguire Group Inc.

564 Forbes Avenue, Suite 1212

Pittsburgh, PA 15219

(412) 281-6393

(412) 281-7908 FAX


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