[mapserver-users] question re: mapserver 3.6 demo installation (FWD)

Thomas E. Burk teb at mallit.fr.umn.edu
Wed Nov 20 11:30:37 PST 2002

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From: "Whalen,Jake [Dartmouth]" <Jake.Whalen at EC.GC.CA>
To: "'mdp at lists.gis.umn.edu'" <mdp at lists.gis.umn.edu>
Subject: question re: mapserver 3.6 demo installation
Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2002 13:52:27 -0400
MIME-Version: 1.0


I installed mapserver 3.6 and tried to run the demo from my server. When I
go to the "demo.html" page on my server, the map window comes up, but it's
black and there isn't any functionality. The legend and sidebars don't
appear either. Under properties, the legend url reads:

Why is legend in brackets? Is this a pathing problem?


Jake Whalen

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