[mapserver-users] DEBUG statement - lets actually do something about it!

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Oct 8 13:36:45 PDT 2002

David: I added a debug parameter to layer, class and map objects. It's
in 3.7 now. We should take this discussion to the developer list to
decide how to implement it though. Using the msDebug function instead of
fprintf is one idea Dan had. 


>>> david blasby <dblasby at refractions.net> 10/01/02 12:11PM >>>
We've had a few discussion about having a mapfile-wide "DEBUG on/off"
and LAYER-level "DEBUG on/off".

I dont think much has actually come of this (did I miss something?). 
think it would be very useful for, at least, the
PostGIS layer to have it report the SQL statement it's executing and
what kind of indexes its using.  I'm sure other portions of mapserver
would appreciate it too.


Change the parser so it handles layers like:

    DEBUG on/off

DEBUG will default to "off".

Add, to layerObj, a boolean debug flag:
        char        debug; //boolean: false = no debug info, true =
write debugging info to stderr

It would be wise to add (also to map.h) a constant so new code is
compatible with older version of layer:

Then in layer functions, one can do something like:

   if (layer->debug)
         printf(stderr,"POSTGIS layer opening\n");
        // report DATA statement
        // report CONNECTION information
        // execute an EXPLAIN command to get the query plan & report
       // execute EXPLAIN VERBOSE, parse and report more information
about the query
       // query DB and report all the indexes on the appropriate
      //  query pg_stats and ensure the DB statistical analysis is
        // ....

Alternatively, we could have DEBUG be off/on/full (0/1/128) to provide
bit more control over how much debugging is done.
I understand that this isn't necessarily the best way, but we've had
this discussion a few times and we have almost nothing.  At least this
way we'll have something.  And it shouldn't take very long (I'd do it
myself, but I dont want to mess around with the parser).

What say?


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