[mapserver-users] error building mapserver 3.6.3 on OS X 10.2

Zak James zak-ms at aiya.dhs.org
Thu Oct 10 14:36:47 PDT 2002

Make sure that your gd and mapserver were built by the same 
compiler/linker as the linking process has changed somewhat. Are you 
sure that the right versions are being used by the webserver? I 
expected to have to recompile all the supporting libraries but they 
seem to work ok since I had stuck with the old 2.x compiler for 
mapserver 3.6.3.

Thanks for the tip on the wiki.


On Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 12:45 America/Montreal, Puneet Kishor 

> dunno if you got my most recent message. Seems like I spoke too soon. 
> I am now getting a load of gd related errors in my Apache log. (you 
> should soon get that message... the mapserver listserver is kinda 
> slow).
> Wrt, OS X build how-to, please consider updating/adding to
> http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?MacOS
> that would consolidate all the work.
> Many thanks.
> Puneet.
> On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 11:24  AM, Zak James wrote:
>> I'm not sure what the problem with gcc 3 is - I think there are 
>> problems with it and mapserver on other platforms too. There is a 
>> good page on OS X porting issues at
>> http://fink.sourceforge.net/doc/porting/index.php
>> though they don't mention that specifically. The loadable modules 
>> stuff they discuss does shed some light on building php mapscript.
>> If you manage to get it to compile with gcc 3, let me know as I'm 
>> still working on an OS X build how-to for mapserver.
>> zj
>> On Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 11:38 America/Montreal, Puneet Kishor 
>> wrote:
>>> On Thursday, October 10, 2002, at 09:45  AM, Zak James wrote:
>>>> With OS X 10.2, the default compiler is now gcc 3.1 which has some 
>>>> trouble with mapserver. The easiest way to get around the problem 
>>>> is to use the built in gcc_select script. As root, gcc_select 2 
>>>> will switch to the old compiler, which is still available. You can 
>>>> switch back by issuing gcc_select 3.
>>> Thanks Zak. Peachy. It all works now. On a related note, do you know 
>>> where the problem lies? Is it in Apple's implementation of gcc? Is 
>>> this a mapserver-specific problem? or have you encountered it while 
>>> building other programs? I only encountered these problems while 
>>> building mapserver. Everything else built fine using gcc3.1.
>>> Thanks.
>>>> On Thursday, Oct 10, 2002, at 00:46 America/Montreal, Puneet Kishor 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> while make-ing, the program ends with the following --
>>>>> ranlib libmap.a
>>>>> ranlib: file: libmap.a(mapthread.o) has no symbols
>>>>> -I/usr/local/include              shp2img.c -o shp2img.o
>>>>> -I/usr/local/include              shp2img.o  -L. -lmap -lgd 
>>>>> -L/usr/local/lib -lgd -ljpeg  -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz  -ljpeg  
>>>>> -L/usr/local/lib -lpng -lz -lproj -ljpeg          -lm   -o shp2img
>>>>> ld: Undefined symbols:
>>>>> ___gxx_personality_v0
>>>>> make: *** [shp2img] Error 1

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