[mapserver-users] GDAL compilation error

Sandor Csaba c.sandor at emla.hu
Tue Oct 29 05:31:17 EST 2002

The second option is true, I did not "install" gdal. I gave configure 

After this configure runs ok, but when I try to make it it says at target 
-DUSE_GD_FT    -DUSE_GDAL      -I/home/emla/lib/gd    -I/home/emla/lib/jpeg 
       -I/home/emla/lib/gdal/port -I/home/emla/lib/gdal/core 
-I/home/emla/lib/gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts     shp2img.o  -L. -lmap 
-L/home/emla/lib/gd -lgd -L/home/emla/lib/jpeg -ljpeg 
-L/home/emla/lib/freetype1/lib/.libs -lttf -L/home/emla/lib/libpng -lpng 
-L/home/emla/lib/zlib -lz  -L/home/emla/lib/jpeg -ljpeg 
-L/home/emla/lib/freetype1/lib/.libs -lttf -L/home/emla/lib/libpng -lpng 
-L/home/emla/lib/zlib -lz   -L/home/emla/lib/jpeg 
-ljpeg    /home/emla/lib/gdal/ogr/ogrsf_frmts/ogrsf_frmts.a 
/home/emla/lib/gdal/gdal.a /home/emla/lib/gdal/ogr/ogr.a 
/home/emla/lib/gdal/gdal.a /home/emla/lib/gdal/port/cpl.a -lz -lm -ldl 
-L/usr/local/lib -lm        -lm   -o shp2img
*** Error code 1
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `shp2img'
I suspect this is the first executable it tries to build...


>It is trying to execute the path you gave as if it were the gdal-config
>script.  Is /home/emla/lib/gdal a build directory, or an install directory?
>If you installed GDAL you should be able to find a bin/gdal-config script
>in the install tree.  Use that as the argument to --with-gdal.  If you didn't
>install GDAL then give /home/emla/lib/gdal/apps/gdal-config as the argument
>to the --with-gdal option.
>Good luck,
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