[mapserver-users] Mapplet question

Steve Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu Oct 31 09:49:59 PST 2002

The problem is that java doesn't handle png files natively. So you have
two options:

  - use GIF for MapServer output
  - hack the mapplet to use the SixLegs PNG library

I have a new version of the mapplet called jBox that does the same
thing as the mapplet
but just has standard naming for public methods. There is also a DHMTL
version of the
same code called dbox. Anyway I did hack a version of jBox.java to
support png and 
you can get it at:


There have also been other users that have done the same thing to
mapplet (it's really
quite simple to do) but I'm not sure where you can download it. You
might post that
question specifically to the list.


Stephen Lime
Data & Applications Manager

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> "David McGaughey" <DMcGaughey at mail.ci.lubbock.tx.us> 10/31/02
10:02AM >>>


Sorry to always be a miner on this list, but I've a question about the
mapplet.  I put it on a page and all I get for the image is a grey


Any ideas why I can't get the map to show-up?

David McGaughey
City of Lubbock, Texas
Personal Web:  http://mcgoy.plumbearcat.com 

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