[mapserver-users] external links in a map

Mark Phillips mbp at geomtech.com
Wed Sep 4 06:55:52 PDT 2002

> Is there a way to include URL's / links into a map?
> For example: the user clicks on an object, symbol or label and the click 
> triggers the link.

It should be possible to do this in a mapscript script (php, perl, ...)
by detecting the click in the script, and having the script send
an http "Location:" header back to the browser to cause it to go to
whatever URL you want the clicked-on object to correspond to.

I'm not sure about with the cgi version of mapserver; I'm not as
familiar with it as I am with mapscript.


Mark Phillips @ Geometry Technologies, LLC
P.O. Box 1170, Black Mountain, NC  28711
Phone: 828-664-1748
mbp at geomtech.com       http://www.geomtech.com

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