[mapserver-users] Mapserver Performance Statistics

Pradeep pradeepkumar at infotech.stph.net
Mon Sep 9 04:36:47 PDT 2002

        We are evaluating the performance of Mapserver to go ahead with
plans of developing a product based on the MapServer core, and we are
looking for statistics on the performance issues listed such as The No of
requests per second, the success rate, the HTTP errors, the amount of
processor overhead, the memory bloat...etc etc..

Can some one be kind enough to shed more light on any previous work already
done on any performance issues of MapServer....
I would be glad to see figures related to performance, and a comparitive
study of MapServer vis-a-vis any other similar product/tool available in the

PS: One moot question I would like to ask the folks all around is "What are
the pros and cons of MapServer being a CGI Exe, is it an Ideal choice for a
Web Application, as we know generally that all CGI apps have an inherent
issue of getting loaded in to the memory for each request".

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